Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/17 00:59:25Detected47.5413-63.5929
08/24/17 02:59:25Detected47.5532-63.5983
08/24/17 03:59:25Possibly detected47.5575-63.5999
08/24/17 04:59:25Possibly detected47.5608-63.6005
08/24/17 06:59:25Detected47.5635-63.5924P13-14; 5isolated, high amp. Classified as detected.
08/24/17 07:59:25Possibly detected47.5680-63.5932P14-15; one classified rw calls, 2 unclassified calls. Possible moan in P16. Check later.
08/24/17 08:59:25Detected47.5639-63.5785P8,9; 2 classified rw calls, possible moans in p9. Detected.
08/24/17 12:59:25Detected47.5775-63.5585P15; classified isolated high amp rw call. Possibly detected.
08/24/17 14:59:25Possibly detected47.5932-63.5576P16 one classified call. possible right whale. Check later.
08/24/17 15:59:25Possibly detected47.5977-63.5570
08/24/17 17:14:25Possibly detected47.6088-63.5565

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/17 05:59:25Possibly detected47.5657-63.6016P13; 1 classified rw, isolated.
08/24/17 06:59:25Detected47.5635-63.5924P13-14; 5isolated, high amp. Classified as detected.
08/24/17 07:59:25Possibly detected47.5680-63.5932P14-15; one classified rw calls, 2 unclassified calls. Possible moan in P16. Check later.
08/24/17 08:59:25Detected47.5639-63.5785P8,9; 2 classified rw calls, possible moans in p9. Detected.
08/24/17 09:59:25Possibly detected47.5685-63.5788one HB classified up call and another unclassified up call sound. possible moans in P4. Marked as possible RW. Check later.
08/24/17 11:59:25Possibly detected47.5712-63.5659suspicious 2 classified rw calls in P8 and 9. Not very isolated, tempted to classify as possible humpback but seemingly out of pattern. RW calls at different amplitudes than HB.
08/24/17 12:59:25Possibly detected47.5775-63.5585P15; classified isolated high amp rw call. Possibly detected.
08/24/17 14:59:25Possibly detected47.5932-63.5576P16 one classified call. possible right whale. Check later.
08/24/17 17:59:25Possibly detected47.6124-63.5572P12,15; 2 classified isolated call. entered as possible RW.

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/17 10:59:25Possibly detected47.5671-63.5656Possible patterns. Entered as possible HB.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/17 05:59:2547.5657-63.6016P13; 1 classified rw, isolated.
08/24/17 06:59:2547.5635-63.5924P13-14; 5isolated, high amp. Classified as detected.
08/24/17 07:59:2547.5680-63.5932P14-15; one classified rw calls, 2 unclassified calls. Possible moan in P16. Check later.
08/24/17 08:59:2547.5639-63.5785P8,9; 2 classified rw calls, possible moans in p9. Detected.
08/24/17 09:59:2547.5685-63.5788one HB classified up call and another unclassified up call sound. possible moans in P4. Marked as possible RW. Check later.
08/24/17 10:59:2547.5671-63.5656Possible patterns. Entered as possible HB.
08/24/17 11:59:2547.5712-63.5659suspicious 2 classified rw calls in P8 and 9. Not very isolated, tempted to classify as possible humpback but seemingly out of pattern. RW calls at different amplitudes than HB.
08/24/17 12:59:2547.5775-63.5585P15; classified isolated high amp rw call. Possibly detected.
08/24/17 14:59:2547.5932-63.5576P16 one classified call. possible right whale. Check later.
08/24/17 17:59:2547.6124-63.5572P12,15; 2 classified isolated call. entered as possible RW.
