Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/12/21 01:15:54Possibly detected47.4948-63.9735Short train in P6.
07/12/21 01:30:54Possibly detected47.4953-63.9757Short FW train in P2-3.
07/12/21 02:15:54Possibly detected47.4976-63.9832Short FW train in P10.
07/12/21 10:30:54Possibly detected47.4985-64.0093Short train in P2.
07/12/21 23:15:54Detected47.5344-64.0363Train of 4 in P9.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/12/21 04:30:54Possibly detected47.5046-64.0055The call type 18 in P8 has good shape, is isolated, and is quiet.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/12/21 01:15:5447.4948-63.9735Short train in P6.
07/12/21 01:30:5447.4953-63.9757Short FW train in P2-3.
07/12/21 02:15:5447.4976-63.9832Short FW train in P10.
07/12/21 04:30:5447.5046-64.0055The call type 18 in P8 has good shape, is isolated, and is quiet.
07/12/21 10:30:5447.4985-64.0093Short train in P2.
07/12/21 18:45:5447.5221-64.0284noisy
07/12/21 23:15:5447.5344-64.0363Train of 4 in P9.
