
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/12/21 03:34:5838.3030-74.6450ADF- not enough classified calls- FW ND
07/12/21 04:04:5838.3030-74.6450ADF- only one classified SW call- SW ND KS- P13-P14 have an interesting pattern, however faint sounds - HW?
07/12/21 04:19:5838.3030-74.6450KS- Multiple panels with low frequency sounds in a doublet and triplet patterns PD HW?
07/12/21 06:04:5838.3030-74.6450ADF- too faint- HW ND
07/12/21 10:19:5838.3030-74.6450KS- RW call is faint and looks like the other artifacts surrounding it
07/12/21 11:19:5838.3030-74.6450KS- RW call is faint and looks to be an artifact, FW call sequence too close together - ND
07/12/21 16:34:5838.3030-74.6450KS- P15 correct IPI ~16 sec not enough calls in sequence to be FW, 3 calls in sequence two classified - ND FW
07/12/21 18:49:5838.3030-74.6450KS- No calls in sequence - ND FW
07/12/21 22:04:5838.3030-74.6450KS - RW call type looks like an artifact in P14
