Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
03/20/22 04:04:58Detected38.3030-74.6450AR- Loud frequency-modulated call pattern with Rhythm in P4, other annotated calls throughout but within noise. HW-D.
03/20/22 18:04:58Possibly detected38.3030-74.6450Ks- P9 and P10 familiar upcalls look to be fragmented song however faint and pattern is not very discernible. Pt on P10 above 20 seconds looks distinctly Humpback. HW - PD


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
03/20/22 00:19:5838.3030-74.6450AR- Single annotated HW sound, no context, no HW-D.
03/20/22 01:19:5838.3030-74.6450AR- Single annotated HW sound, no context, no HW-D.
03/20/22 04:04:5838.3030-74.6450AR- Loud frequency-modulated call pattern with Rhythm in P4, other annotated calls throughout but within noise. HW-D.
03/20/22 05:04:5838.3030-74.6450AR- All sounds are within noise.
03/20/22 06:04:5838.3030-74.6450AR- All sounds are within non-biological noise.
03/20/22 07:04:5838.3030-74.6450AR- No pattern of consistency, no HW-D.
03/20/22 15:34:5838.3030-74.6450KS- multiple FW call types classified no pattern FW - ND. Interesting low frequency long tonal sounds
03/20/22 16:04:5838.3030-74.6450KS- P6 and P7 have pts with familiar upsweeps shape but they are short and pattern is not very obvious, could be HW but too much noise in period to be certain HW - ND. Single RW call classified within noise RW - ND
03/20/22 18:04:5838.3030-74.6450Ks- P9 and P10 familiar upcalls look to be fragmented song however faint and pattern is not very discernible. Pt on P10 above 20 seconds looks distinctly Humpback. HW - PD
03/20/22 19:04:5838.3030-74.6450KS- one classified RW call in P4 very short and faint, not enough context to discern whale presence RW - ND
