
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/21/23 14:57:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P8 two classified RW calls that both are artifact-like in shape and have noise pts occurring at the same time. RW ND.
11/21/23 18:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - Interesting LF long loud pulse-like on multiple panels.
11/21/23 19:12:2938.3027-74.6445CT - Interesting long loud LF pulse-like pts observed again, most predominantly on P2. On P4, P7, and P10 LF faint pts have somewhat of a down-sweep shape.
11/21/23 19:27:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P6 and P11 LF pts that look like downsweeps, occurring in doublet on P6.
11/21/23 19:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P7, P8, and P10 loud LF pts that look down-sweep like in shape, all with similar amplitude profiles.
11/21/23 19:57:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P6 and P9 loud LF pts that look down-sweep like in shape, all with similar amplitude profiles and occurring in doublet on P6.
11/21/23 20:12:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P2 single loud LF pt that look down-sweep like in shape.
11/21/23 20:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P12 single loud and short LF pt that look down-sweep like in shape.
11/21/23 20:57:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P7 and P13 LF pts that look down-sweep like in shape.
11/21/23 21:12:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P3 single loud LF pt that look down-sweep like in shape.
11/21/23 21:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P4 single loud LF pt that look down-sweep like in shape.
11/21/23 21:57:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P2 and P10 loud LF pts that look down-sweep like in shape, occurring in doublet on P10.
11/21/23 23:42:2938.3027-74.6445CT - On P12 single loud LF pt that look down-sweep like in shape.
