
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/11/19 00:19:4434.1111-119.7746More short LF pulses here.
08/11/19 05:04:4434.1111-119.7746What is noise here?
08/11/19 06:49:4434.1111-119.7746Some long 200 Hz tones here.
08/11/19 07:04:4434.1111-119.7746Another 200 Hz tone here in panel 13.
08/11/19 07:34:4434.1111-119.7746What is noise here?
08/11/19 09:34:4434.1111-119.7746Quite a bit of noise here, but none of it is patterned.
08/11/19 10:19:4434.1111-119.7746More of the same sounds, but looks a bit like humpback in panels 6 and 9.
08/11/19 14:19:4434.1111-119.7746Rapid ~600 Hz upsweeps here.
08/11/19 14:34:4434.1111-119.7746More rapid upsweeps here.
08/11/19 14:49:4434.1111-119.7746~600 Hz upsweeps and 200 Hz tones.
08/11/19 15:34:4434.1111-119.7746Long ~150 Hz tones here.
08/11/19 16:34:4434.1111-119.7746~1000 Hz tones here. Interesting.
08/11/19 18:19:4434.1111-119.7746What is noise in panel 9?
08/11/19 20:49:4434.1111-119.7746Some LF tones in panels 5 and 11, but not terribly convincing as B calls.
08/11/19 23:04:4434.1111-119.7746Regular ~150 Hz pulses here.
08/11/19 23:19:4434.1111-119.7746More ~150 Hz pulses here.
