
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/14/19 00:25:2434.1098-119.7742Sporadic lf pulses in panel 11
12/14/19 00:25:2434.1098-119.7742Sporadic lf pulses in panel 11
12/14/19 00:55:2434.1098-119.7742Many sporadic faint 100hz pulses
12/14/19 00:55:2434.1098-119.7742Many sporadic faint 100hz pulses
12/14/19 01:10:2434.1098-119.7742Continue sporadic 100Hz pulses
12/14/19 01:10:2434.1098-119.7742Continue sporadic 100Hz pulses
12/14/19 03:40:2434.1098-119.7742Pulses classified as fin in panels 15-16 look kind of patterned but interval doesn’t seem right, not very convinced there falls are actually fin
12/14/19 03:40:2434.1098-119.7742Pulses classified as fin in panels 15-16 look kind of patterned but interval doesn’t seem right, not very convinced there falls are actually fin
12/14/19 08:10:2434.1098-119.7742Stronger Hf signal in panel 5 looks too impulsive to be convincing for biological sound
12/14/19 08:10:2434.1098-119.7742Stronger Hf signal in panel 5 looks too impulsive to be convincing for biological sound
12/14/19 14:25:2434.1098-119.7742Many sporadic faint lf pulses
12/14/19 14:25:2434.1098-119.7742Many sporadic faint lf pulses
12/14/19 16:25:2434.1098-119.7742Odd 400 Hz signals in panel 7&10
12/14/19 16:25:2434.1098-119.7742Odd 400 Hz signals in panel 7&10
12/14/19 22:40:2434.1098-119.7742Several faint 200 Hz pulses but too faint to be convincing for biological sound
12/14/19 22:40:2434.1098-119.7742Several faint 200 Hz pulses but too faint to be convincing for biological sound
12/14/19 23:25:2434.1098-119.7742Long LF tone in panel 14
12/14/19 23:25:2434.1098-119.7742Long LF tone in panel 14
