Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
01/09/20 05:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742Well-patterned and reasonably strong fin pulses in panels 8-10
01/09/20 06:10:24Detected34.1098-119.7742Fairly strong & well patterned, several classified
01/09/20 06:25:24Detected34.1098-119.7742
01/09/20 06:40:24Possibly detected34.1098-119.7742Continued strong LF downsweeps that look like fins but all unclassified
01/09/20 06:55:24Detected34.1098-119.7742Many classified fin pulses, most have irregular pattern but panels 5-7 fairly consistent

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
01/09/20 09:25:24Possibly detected34.1098-119.7742Signal in panel 13 fairly strong but isolated, marking as only possible for now
01/09/20 10:10:24Possibly detected34.1098-119.7742Upsweep near end (55s) of panel 14 pretty strong but isolated


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
01/09/20 05:25:2434.1098-119.7742Very short HF downsweeps in panels 6&11, ragged 500 Hz signal in panel 10
01/09/20 05:55:2434.1098-119.7742Well-patterned and reasonably strong fin pulses in panels 8-10
01/09/20 06:10:2434.1098-119.7742Fairly strong & well patterned, several classified
01/09/20 06:40:2434.1098-119.7742Continued strong LF downsweeps that look like fins but all unclassified
01/09/20 06:55:2434.1098-119.7742Many classified fin pulses, most have irregular pattern but panels 5-7 fairly consistent
01/09/20 07:40:2434.1098-119.7742Signal in panel 3 classified as blue whale B call too short & faint to be convincing
01/09/20 08:40:2434.1098-119.7742brief 700Hz upsweep at start of panel 10, maybe humpback?
01/09/20 08:55:2434.1098-119.7742Very short 600Hz downsweep in panel 11, could be humpback but looks fairly ragged
01/09/20 09:25:2434.1098-119.7742Signal in panel 13 fairly strong but isolated, marking as only possible for now
01/09/20 09:55:2434.1098-119.7742Brief 700Hz upsweep in panel 16
01/09/20 10:10:2434.1098-119.7742Upsweep near end (55s) of panel 14 pretty strong but isolated
01/09/20 11:25:2434.1098-119.7742Lots of chaotic faint HF signals, background noise?
01/09/20 13:25:2434.1098-119.7742Several flat tones in panels 9 & 12
01/09/20 14:40:2434.1098-119.7742Faint pulses around 350Hz
01/09/20 15:10:2434.1098-119.7742Faint 'V' signal in panel 13
01/09/20 15:55:2434.1098-119.7742More 350Hz pulses.
01/09/20 16:10:2434.1098-119.7742Continued 350Hz faint pulses
01/09/20 16:25:2434.1098-119.7742350Hz pulses
01/09/20 16:40:2434.1098-119.7742350Hz pulses
01/09/20 17:25:2434.1098-119.7742350Hz pulses, odd LF signal at start of panel 15
01/09/20 17:40:2434.1098-119.7742350Hz pulses
01/09/20 18:55:2434.1098-119.7742Flat tone in panel 4 could possibly be blue whale 'B' call but too short/faint to be very convincing
01/09/20 20:10:2434.1098-119.7742LF pulses classified as fin too sporadically spaced to be entirely convincing
01/09/20 20:25:2434.1098-119.7742More sporadic LF tones
01/09/20 20:55:2434.1098-119.7742sporadic LF signals
01/09/20 21:55:2434.1098-119.7742LF signals in panels 3 & 5 too short to be convincing for blue whale
