Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/30/22 00:07:44Detected42.3631-70.2720Classified doublet in P5 and other downsweeps throughout the period.
04/30/22 00:22:44Detected42.3631-70.2701Classified doublet and singlet in P8 and 9.
04/30/22 01:37:44Possibly detected42.3580-70.2401One classified singlet in P14.
04/30/22 02:07:44Detected42.3537-70.2210Classified doublet in P12.
04/30/22 04:22:44Possibly detected42.3443-70.1533One singlet with a call type 17 classification in P10.
04/30/22 04:37:44Possibly detected42.3451-70.1457One unclassified doublet in P16.
04/30/22 08:22:44Detected42.3768-70.1157One classified doublet in P10.
04/30/22 12:22:44Possibly detected42.4099-70.1121One classified singlet in P12.
04/30/22 13:37:44Possibly detected42.4078-70.1062Loud unclassified singlet in P6.
04/30/22 15:12:26Possibly detected42.4091-70.0915Classified singlet in P1.
04/30/22 16:22:44Possibly detected42.4075-70.0872One possible faint classified singlet in P8, it could also be LF noise.
04/30/22 16:37:44Possibly detected42.4081-70.0864One classified singlet in P6 and one possible faint unclassified singlet in P10.
04/30/22 18:22:44Detected42.4127-70.0872One classified doublet in P13.
04/30/22 19:07:44Possibly detected42.4169-70.0962One classified singlet in P8.
04/30/22 20:07:44Detected42.4225-70.1082Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 21:07:44Detected42.4281-70.1157Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 21:22:44Detected42.4300-70.1181Two unclassified but clear doublets in P8 and 9 and other classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period.
04/30/22 22:07:44Possibly detected42.4357-70.1253Unclassified singlets throughout the period and a possible unclassified doublet in P7 but it’s very faint.
04/30/22 22:22:44Detected42.4376-70.1277One classified singlet in P15.
04/30/22 23:07:44Detected42.4377-70.1305Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 23:22:44Detected42.4374-70.1332One classified doublet and classified singlet in P9 and 12.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/30/22 13:37:44Detected42.4078-70.1062Loud unclassified singlet in P6.
04/30/22 20:07:44Detected42.4225-70.1082Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/30/22 01:22:44Possibly detected42.3602-70.2496
04/30/22 02:52:44Possibly detected42.3472-70.1925
04/30/22 03:06:53Possibly detected42.3451-70.1829
04/30/22 04:52:44Possibly detected42.3460-70.1381
04/30/22 05:22:44Possibly detected42.3477-70.1229
04/30/22 08:52:44Possibly detected42.3856-70.1151
04/30/22 10:37:44Detected42.4055-70.1152
04/30/22 10:52:44Detected42.4060-70.1148
04/30/22 11:07:44Detected42.4066-70.1144
04/30/22 12:07:44Detected42.4093-70.1126
04/30/22 12:22:44Detected42.4099-70.1121One classified singlet in P12.
04/30/22 15:07:44Possibly detected42.4091-70.0915
04/30/22 20:07:44Detected42.4225-70.1082Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 21:07:44Detected42.4281-70.1157Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 21:22:44Detected42.4300-70.1181Two unclassified but clear doublets in P8 and 9 and other classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period.
04/30/22 22:07:44Detected42.4357-70.1253Unclassified singlets throughout the period and a possible unclassified doublet in P7 but it’s very faint.
04/30/22 22:30:57Detected42.4387-70.1292
04/30/22 23:52:44Possibly detected42.4367-70.1384


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
04/30/22 00:07:4442.3631-70.2720Classified doublet in P5 and other downsweeps throughout the period.
04/30/22 00:22:4442.3631-70.2701Classified doublet and singlet in P8 and 9.
04/30/22 01:37:4442.3580-70.2401One classified singlet in P14.
04/30/22 02:07:4442.3537-70.2210Classified doublet in P12.
04/30/22 04:22:4442.3443-70.1533One singlet with a call type 17 classification in P10.
04/30/22 04:37:4442.3451-70.1457One unclassified doublet in P16.
04/30/22 08:22:4442.3768-70.1157One classified doublet in P10.
04/30/22 08:37:4442.3812-70.1154Some short LF unclassified downsweeps in P14, could be SW or HW?
04/30/22 09:22:4442.3944-70.1145Faint unclassified LF downsweep in P12 but it could be SW, HW, or noise.
04/30/22 12:22:4442.4099-70.1121One classified singlet in P12.
04/30/22 13:37:4442.4078-70.1062Loud unclassified singlet in P6.
04/30/22 15:12:2642.4091-70.0915Classified singlet in P1.
04/30/22 16:22:4442.4075-70.0872One possible faint classified singlet in P8, it could also be LF noise.
04/30/22 16:37:4442.4081-70.0864One classified singlet in P6 and one possible faint unclassified singlet in P10.
04/30/22 17:07:4442.4094-70.0850One possible unclassified singlet in P2 but it’s very faint and could be noise.
04/30/22 18:07:4442.4113-70.0842One short LF downsweep in P5 but it’s too short to determine the source.
04/30/22 18:22:4442.4127-70.0872One classified doublet in P13.
04/30/22 18:37:4442.4141-70.0902Possible faint unclassified singlet in P9 but it could be LF noise.
04/30/22 19:07:4442.4169-70.0962One classified singlet in P8.
04/30/22 20:07:4442.4225-70.1082Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 21:07:4442.4281-70.1157Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 21:22:4442.4300-70.1181Two unclassified but clear doublets in P8 and 9 and other classified and unclassified singlets throughout the period.
04/30/22 22:07:4442.4357-70.1253Unclassified singlets throughout the period and a possible unclassified doublet in P7 but it’s very faint.
04/30/22 22:22:4442.4376-70.1277One classified singlet in P15.
04/30/22 23:07:4442.4377-70.1305Classified and unclassified singlets and doublets throughout the period.
04/30/22 23:22:4442.4374-70.1332One classified doublet and classified singlet in P9 and 12.
