Platform casb2404_casb

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform casb

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Background noise spectra:


Daily tally tables:









Date/timeBlue whaleFin whaleOtherDurationTracks
10/12/24 00:03:040025900PT
10/12/24 00:18:042032900PT
10/12/24 00:33:041042900PT
10/12/24 00:48:041027900PT
10/12/24 01:03:041033900PT
10/12/24 01:18:040037900PT
10/12/24 01:33:041033900PT
10/12/24 01:48:040029900PT
10/12/24 02:03:040028900PT
10/12/24 02:18:040040900PT
10/12/24 02:33:040029900PT
10/12/24 02:48:040022900PT
10/12/24 03:03:040023900PT
10/12/24 03:18:041124900PT
10/12/24 03:33:041032900PT
10/12/24 03:48:042028900PT
10/12/24 04:03:040030900PT
10/12/24 04:18:040047900PT
10/12/24 04:33:040030900PT
10/12/24 04:48:042031900PT
10/12/24 05:03:040034900PT
10/12/24 05:18:040025900PT
10/12/24 05:33:040032900PT
10/12/24 05:48:042036900PT
10/12/24 06:03:041041900PT
10/12/24 06:18:040030900PT
10/12/24 06:33:040028900PT
10/12/24 06:48:042133900PT
10/12/24 07:03:040041900PT
10/12/24 07:18:040053900PT
10/12/24 07:33:040035900PT
10/12/24 07:48:040146900PT
10/12/24 08:03:041048900PT
10/12/24 08:18:042041900PT
10/12/24 08:33:041216900PT
10/12/24 08:48:041043900PT
10/12/24 09:03:040035900PT
10/12/24 09:18:040049900PT
10/12/24 09:33:043060900PT
10/12/24 09:48:043059900PT
10/12/24 10:03:040059900PT
10/12/24 10:18:040054900PT
10/12/24 10:33:041043900PT
10/12/24 10:48:040033900PT
10/12/24 11:03:040028900PT
10/12/24 11:18:040032900PT
10/12/24 11:33:040028900PT
10/12/24 11:48:041142900PT
10/12/24 12:03:040039900PT
10/12/24 12:18:041025900PT
10/12/24 12:33:041032900PT
10/12/24 12:48:041032900PT
10/12/24 13:03:040136900PT
10/12/24 13:18:040030900PT
10/12/24 13:33:040019900PT
10/12/24 13:48:040125900PT
10/12/24 14:03:041037900PT
10/12/24 14:18:040034900PT
10/12/24 14:33:040244900PT
10/12/24 14:48:040027900PT
10/12/24 15:03:040033900PT
10/12/24 15:18:042130900PT
10/12/24 15:33:041046900PT
10/12/24 15:48:040042900PT
10/12/24 16:03:041140900PT
10/12/24 16:18:041232900PT
10/12/24 16:33:041033900PT
10/12/24 16:48:041034900PT
10/12/24 17:03:040026900PT
10/12/24 17:18:040139900PT
10/12/24 17:33:040046900PT
10/12/24 17:48:041139900PT
10/12/24 18:03:040025900PT
10/12/24 18:18:040024900PT
10/12/24 18:33:041147900PT
10/12/24 18:48:040041900PT
10/12/24 19:03:040052900PT
10/12/24 19:18:040038900PT
10/12/24 19:33:040153900PT
10/12/24 19:48:040055900PT
10/12/24 20:03:040068900PT
10/12/24 20:18:041044900PT
10/12/24 20:33:041162900PT
10/12/24 20:48:042144900PT
10/12/24 21:03:040040900PT
10/12/24 21:18:040041900PT
10/12/24 21:33:040017900PT
10/12/24 21:48:042046900PT
10/12/24 22:03:040050900PT
10/12/24 22:18:041047900PT
10/12/24 22:33:040055900PT
10/12/24 22:48:040059900PT
10/12/24 23:03:043050900PT
10/12/24 23:18:042068900PT
10/12/24 23:33:042158900PT
10/12/24 23:48:041067900PT



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in PDT time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics