Platform casf0222_casf
Autonomous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

DMON/LFDCS realtime results: Platform casf

Species call counts:


Platform location:


Background noise:


Background noise spectra:


Daily tally tables:


Date/timeBlue whaleFin whaleOtherDurationTracks
08/08/22 00:01:300278900PT
08/08/22 00:16:302461900
08/08/22 00:31:3004123900
08/08/22 00:46:3034153900
08/08/22 01:01:3023158900PT
08/08/22 01:16:3013119900PT
08/08/22 01:31:3043124900
08/08/22 01:46:300489900
08/08/22 02:01:300245900PT
08/08/22 02:16:300029900PT
08/08/22 02:31:300153900PT
08/08/22 02:46:302176900PT
08/08/22 03:01:3003114900PT
08/08/22 03:16:300358900PT
08/08/22 03:31:300318900PT
08/08/22 03:46:300448900
08/08/22 04:01:301262900PT
08/08/22 04:16:300263900PT
08/08/22 04:31:300356900PT
08/08/22 04:46:3027245900
08/08/22 05:01:3029328900PT
08/08/22 05:16:3001284900
08/08/22 05:31:3031251900
08/08/22 05:46:3049164900
08/08/22 06:01:300251900PT
08/08/22 06:16:3040142900PT
08/08/22 06:31:301068900
08/08/22 06:46:300071900
08/08/22 07:01:3023127900PT
08/08/22 07:16:3072192900PT
08/08/22 07:31:30101154900
08/08/22 07:46:30113199900
08/08/22 08:01:3041262900PT
08/08/22 08:16:3025244900
08/08/22 08:31:3022185900
08/08/22 08:46:3051392900
08/08/22 09:01:3040196900PT
08/08/22 09:16:3030328900
08/08/22 09:31:3020252900
08/08/22 09:46:3020344900
08/08/22 10:01:3051262900PT
08/08/22 10:16:3031128900
08/08/22 10:31:3052181900
08/08/22 10:46:3057198900
08/08/22 11:01:3001239900PT
08/08/22 11:16:3064309900
08/08/22 11:31:30195274900
08/08/22 11:46:30206275900
08/08/22 12:01:30176254900PT
08/08/22 12:16:302012483900
08/08/22 12:31:30169261900
08/08/22 12:46:307073900
08/08/22 13:01:3063134900PT
08/08/22 13:16:3020148900
08/08/22 13:31:3052163900
08/08/22 13:46:301043900
08/08/22 14:01:300012900PT
08/08/22 14:16:300011900PT
08/08/22 14:31:302036900PT
08/08/22 14:46:300039900PT
08/08/22 15:01:302045900PT
08/08/22 15:16:300022900PT
08/08/22 15:31:3000101900PT
08/08/22 15:46:3020218900PT
08/08/22 16:01:3092262900PT
08/08/22 16:16:3051434900
08/08/22 16:31:3020178900
08/08/22 16:46:303495900
08/08/22 17:01:301464900PT
08/08/22 17:16:301570900PT
08/08/22 17:31:30410120900
08/08/22 17:46:301772900
08/08/22 18:01:301088900PT
08/08/22 18:16:301580900PT
08/08/22 18:31:301141900
08/08/22 18:46:304160900
08/08/22 19:01:302032900PT
08/08/22 19:16:303364900PT
08/08/22 19:31:301088900PT
08/08/22 19:46:30111293900
08/08/22 20:01:3051156900PT
08/08/22 20:16:30141130900PT
08/08/22 20:31:3042302900
08/08/22 20:46:30211171900
08/08/22 21:01:3011077900PT
08/08/22 21:16:3013146900
08/08/22 21:31:302995900
08/08/22 21:46:30310434900
08/08/22 22:01:30111345900PT
08/08/22 22:16:30112158900
08/08/22 22:31:301973900
08/08/22 22:46:3021167900
08/08/22 23:01:3013137900PT
08/08/22 23:16:3053426900
08/08/22 23:31:30116709900
08/08/22 23:46:3073388900



Tallies of classified calls are reported by the DMON every 15 minutes
Pitch tracks of individual calls are reported at a maximum rate of 8 KB per hour
While all detected calls are tallied in the table above, they are not all reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with an average amplitude of 11 dB above background or higher are tallied and reported as pitch tracks
Only calls with a Mahalanobis distance less than 3 are tallied
Other indicates all calls/sounds not found in the call library
Listening duration is period over which calls were detected (seconds)
All dates/times in PDT time zone


DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics