Autonmous Real-time Marine Mammal Detections

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Chukchi Sea, Arctic, Late Summer 2014

Study objectives

One glider was deployed in the Chukchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska on September 10, 2014 to study the occurrence of several species of marine mammals, including fin, bowhead, and beluga whales, as well as bearded seals and walrus. This project is primarily designed to examine relationships between marine mammal distribution and oceanographic conditions monitored by the glider. Results shown on this page have been reviewed by an experienced analyst (Kate Stafford) and represent locations and times where the near real-time passive acoustic detection data provide evidence of species occurrence.

Principal Investigators: Peter Winsor (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Kate Stafford (University of Washington), and Mark Baumgartner (WHOI).

Platform we04

Platform track:

Analyst-reviewed species occurrence maps:

Daily analyst review:

DateFin whaleBeluga whaleBearded sealBowheadWalrusAir gun

Possibly detected
Not detected

Links to detailed information for platform we04:

Automated detection data

DMON/LFDCS Diagnostics

Platform diagnostics


Please email Mark Baumgartner at For a general desciption of the detection system and the autonomous platforms, visit


The gliders were expertly prepared by Hank Statscewich (UAF) and Ben Hodges (WHOI). At sea assistance was provided by the captain and crew of the R/V Norseman II. Support for the development of the Arctic marine mammal call library and preparation of the DMON/LFDCS for this study was provided by the Alaska Ocean Observing System. Glider deployment was supported by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. The DMON instrument was developed by Mark Johnson and Tom Hurst at WHOI. Mark Johnson was responsible for developing the application programming interface (API) for the DMON, and coded the initial DMON implementation of the pitch tracking algorithm described in Baumgartner and Mussoline (2011). Support for the development, integration, and testing of the glider DMON/LFDCS was provided by the Office of Naval Research and the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Advanced Sampling Technologies Working Group in collaboration with the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's Passive Acoustics Research Group (leader: Sofie Van Parijs). NOAA funding was provided through the Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region.
