Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/08/22 01:17:00 | 47.5040 | -63.6532 | Multiple RW upcalls and a few moans. |
08/08/22 01:32:00 | 47.5034 | -63.6522 | Classified RW upcall in P8 that is reasonably loud and has okay shape. Possible
RW. |
08/08/22 02:32:00 | 47.5011 | -63.6484 | Many beautiful RW upcalls. |
08/08/22 03:17:00 | 47.4994 | -63.6455 | One classified RW upcall in P6 that is loud and isolated. |
08/08/22 06:32:00 | 47.5016 | -63.6397 | Classified RW upcall in P4 that is quiet, has good shape but has artifacts, and is
isolated. Leaving as not detected as it looks like noise. |
08/08/22 22:17:00 | 47.5192 | -63.6403 | Classified RW upcall in P2 that is reasonably loud, has good shape, and is
isolated. Another classified upcall in P11 that's loud, has good shape but has
artifacts, not isolated. Possible RW. |