Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/21/23 09:26:43Possibly detected48.7550-62.6615Possible SW downsweep (classified) in P4.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/21/23 01:04:33Possibly detected48.7377-62.5816Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P6 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 02:11:43Possibly detected48.7392-62.5865Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P11 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 02:56:43Possibly detected48.7392-62.5868Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 16 seconds.
09/21/23 03:41:43Possibly detected48.7392-62.5870Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P2 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 07:41:43Possibly detected48.7565-62.6340Five possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P5 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 10:26:43Possibly detected48.7544-62.6613Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P3 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 10:56:43Possibly detected48.7541-62.6611Seven possible FW pulses in sequence (four classified) in P10 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 11:11:43Possibly detected48.7539-62.6611Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P12 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 11:41:43Possibly detected48.7536-62.6609Seven possible FW pulses in sequence (four classified) in P7-8 with an INI = 9 seconds; potentially two calling animals here.
09/21/23 12:11:43Possibly detected48.7533-62.6608Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P15 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 14:11:43Possibly detected48.7515-62.6889Four possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P15-16 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A call in P6.
09/21/23 14:26:43Possibly detected48.7514-62.6890Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 16:26:43Possibly detected48.7503-62.6899Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P4 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 16:41:43Possibly detected48.7501-62.6900Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P5 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 17:06:53Possibly detected48.7567-62.7097Seven possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P8-9 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 19:41:43Detected48.7653-62.7410Four consecutively classified FW pulses in P6-7 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P1, 2, 6, & 7.
09/21/23 22:26:43Possibly detected48.7674-62.7319Four possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P6 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P7 & 8.

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/21/23 13:04:30Possibly detected48.7523-62.6773Possible mid- to high-frequency HW calls throughout the period, although this could also be background noise as the glider approached the surface.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/21/23 00:11:43Possibly detected48.7350-62.5732Possible BW arch calls in P13, despite being low amplitude and having broken pitch tracks.
09/21/23 00:26:43Possibly detected48.7349-62.5731Possible BW arch calls in P6, 8, & 10, although most are low amplitude and have broken pitch tracks; the call in P10 is shapely.
09/21/23 02:26:43Possibly detected48.7392-62.5866Possible BW arch call in P11.
09/21/23 17:56:43Possibly detected48.7665-62.7393Possible BW A calls in P8 & 12.
09/21/23 18:11:43Possibly detected48.7664-62.7396Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 18:26:43Possibly detected48.7662-62.7398Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 19:11:43Possibly detected48.7656-62.7406Possible BW A calls in P2 & 3.
09/21/23 19:26:43Possibly detected48.7654-62.7408Possible BW A calls in P3, 5, 6, 9, 10, & 12-14.
09/21/23 19:41:43Possibly detected48.7653-62.7410Four consecutively classified FW pulses in P6-7 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P1, 2, 6, & 7.
09/21/23 20:11:43Possibly detected48.7649-62.7415Possible BW A calls in P12, 13, & 15.
09/21/23 20:26:43Possibly detected48.7647-62.7418Possible BW A calls in P3-8.
09/21/23 20:41:43Possibly detected48.7645-62.7420Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 21:41:43Possibly detected48.7679-62.7324Possible BW A calls in P7, 13, & 14.
09/21/23 21:56:43Possibly detected48.7677-62.7322Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 22:26:43Possibly detected48.7674-62.7319Four possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P6 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P7 & 8.
09/21/23 22:41:43Possibly detected48.7672-62.7317Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 22:56:43Possibly detected48.7671-62.7315Possible BW A call in P1.
09/21/23 23:11:43Possibly detected48.7669-62.7314Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 23:26:43Possibly detected48.7667-62.7312Possible BW A calls throughout the period.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/21/23 00:11:4348.7350-62.5732Possible BW arch calls in P13, despite being low amplitude and having broken pitch tracks.
09/21/23 00:26:4348.7349-62.5731Possible BW arch calls in P6, 8, & 10, although most are low amplitude and have broken pitch tracks; the call in P10 is shapely.
09/21/23 00:56:4348.7347-62.5729Possible BW A call in P3.
09/21/23 01:04:3348.7377-62.5816Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P6 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 02:11:4348.7392-62.5865Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P11 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 02:26:4348.7392-62.5866Possible BW arch call in P11.
09/21/23 02:56:4348.7392-62.5868Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 16 seconds.
09/21/23 03:41:4348.7392-62.5870Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P2 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 04:11:4348.7392-62.5872Possible BW A call in P9.
09/21/23 04:26:4348.7392-62.5873Possible BW A call in P16.
09/21/23 07:41:4348.7565-62.6340Five possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P5 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 09:26:4348.7550-62.6615Possible SW downsweep (classified) in P4.
09/21/23 10:26:4348.7544-62.6613Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P3 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 10:56:4348.7541-62.6611Seven possible FW pulses in sequence (four classified) in P10 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 11:11:4348.7539-62.6611Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P12 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 11:41:4348.7536-62.6609Seven possible FW pulses in sequence (four classified) in P7-8 with an INI = 9 seconds; potentially two calling animals here.
09/21/23 12:11:4348.7533-62.6608Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P15 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 13:04:3048.7523-62.6773Possible mid- to high-frequency HW calls throughout the period, although this could also be background noise as the glider approached the surface.
09/21/23 14:11:4348.7515-62.6889Four possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P15-16 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A call in P6.
09/21/23 14:26:4348.7514-62.6890Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 15:11:4348.7510-62.6893Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P4.
09/21/23 16:26:4348.7503-62.6899Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P4 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 16:41:4348.7501-62.6900Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P5 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 17:06:5348.7567-62.7097Seven possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P8-9 with an INI = 9 seconds.
09/21/23 17:41:4348.7667-62.7391Possible BW A call in P10.
09/21/23 17:56:4348.7665-62.7393Possible BW A calls in P8 & 12.
09/21/23 18:11:4348.7664-62.7396Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 18:26:4348.7662-62.7398Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 19:11:4348.7656-62.7406Possible BW A calls in P2 & 3.
09/21/23 19:26:4348.7654-62.7408Possible BW A calls in P3, 5, 6, 9, 10, & 12-14.
09/21/23 19:41:4348.7653-62.7410Four consecutively classified FW pulses in P6-7 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P1, 2, 6, & 7.
09/21/23 20:11:4348.7649-62.7415Possible BW A calls in P12, 13, & 15.
09/21/23 20:26:4348.7647-62.7418Possible BW A calls in P3-8.
09/21/23 20:41:4348.7645-62.7420Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 20:56:4348.7643-62.7423Possible BW A call in P2.
09/21/23 21:41:4348.7679-62.7324Possible BW A calls in P7, 13, & 14.
09/21/23 21:56:4348.7677-62.7322Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 22:26:4348.7674-62.7319Four possible FW pulses in sequence (three classified) in P6 with an INI = 9 seconds. Possible BW A calls in P7 & 8.
09/21/23 22:41:4348.7672-62.7317Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 22:56:4348.7671-62.7315Possible BW A call in P1.
09/21/23 23:11:4348.7669-62.7314Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
09/21/23 23:26:4348.7667-62.7312Possible BW A calls throughout the period.
