Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/31/17 05:27:24Possibly detected42.9260-65.1728blue whale arch call in P1 and many other downsweeps that look similar to the down sweeps in other blue whale periods. However, at the end of this period there is a doublet that looks shorter and more sei-like and both calls classified as call type 17. This is a tricky one. Check audio.
12/31/17 08:12:24Possibly detected42.9187-65.1655downsweep doublet call type 17 - possible sei.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/31/17 03:27:24Possibly detected42.9288-65.1628blue whale arch calls and possible moan - check audio
12/31/17 04:27:24Detected42.9274-65.1678blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 04:42:24Detected42.9270-65.1691blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 05:12:24Detected42.9263-65.1716blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 08:12:24Detected42.9187-65.1655downsweep doublet call type 17 - possible sei.
12/31/17 08:27:24Detected42.9181-65.1628short downsweeps and blue whale arch call
12/31/17 09:12:24Detected42.9164-65.1547
12/31/17 09:42:24Detected42.9153-65.1493
12/31/17 10:12:24Possibly detected42.9141-65.1440
12/31/17 10:27:24Detected42.9136-65.1413
12/31/17 11:12:24Detected42.9094-65.1245
12/31/17 11:27:24Detected42.9088-65.1195blue whale downsweep - possible - check audio
12/31/17 12:12:24Detected42.9071-65.1047blue whale downsweep - possible, check audio several downsweeps including doublets
12/31/17 12:27:24Detected42.9065-65.0998blue whale arch call and downsweep
12/31/17 13:12:24Detected42.9047-65.0849
12/31/17 13:27:24Detected42.9041-65.0800
12/31/17 13:42:24Detected42.9035-65.0751
12/31/17 14:12:24Detected42.9024-65.0652
12/31/17 14:27:24Detected42.9012-65.0608
12/31/17 15:12:24Detected42.9043-65.0653blue whale downsweep - possible - check audio
12/31/17 15:27:24Detected42.9057-65.0675
12/31/17 15:42:24Detected42.9071-65.0697
12/31/17 16:27:24Detected42.9113-65.0762
12/31/17 17:12:24Detected42.9155-65.0828
12/31/17 17:27:24Detected42.9169-65.0850
12/31/17 18:12:24Detected42.9211-65.0916
12/31/17 18:27:24Detected42.9222-65.0933
12/31/17 19:12:24Detected42.9212-65.0902
12/31/17 20:12:24Detected42.9173-65.0880blue whale downsweep - possible - check audio
12/31/17 20:27:24Detected42.9164-65.0874Blue whale arch call
12/31/17 21:12:24Detected42.9134-65.0857Blue whale moan - possible - check audio
12/31/17 21:27:24Detected42.9125-65.0852
12/31/17 22:12:24Detected42.9095-65.0835
12/31/17 23:27:24Detected42.8945-65.0759Blue whale moan - possible - check audio


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/31/17 00:12:2442.9527-65.1893blue whale downsweeps?
12/31/17 00:27:2442.9504-65.1859blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 00:42:2442.9481-65.1826blue whale downsweeps?
12/31/17 01:27:2442.9413-65.1725blue whale arch call and downsweeps?
12/31/17 01:42:2442.9390-65.1692blue whale downsweeps?
12/31/17 01:57:2442.9367-65.1658blue whale downsweeps?
12/31/17 03:12:2442.9292-65.1616blue whale downsweeps?
12/31/17 03:27:2442.9288-65.1628blue whale arch calls and possible moan - check audio
12/31/17 03:42:2442.9285-65.1641blue whale? Arch call in P1. sei detector looks to have captured a quiet blue whale downsweep
12/31/17 03:57:2442.9281-65.1653blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 04:12:2442.9277-65.1666definite blue whale arch calls
12/31/17 04:27:2442.9274-65.1678blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 04:42:2442.9270-65.1691blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 05:12:2442.9263-65.1716blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 05:27:2442.9260-65.1728blue whale arch call in P1 and many other downsweeps that look similar to the down sweeps in other blue whale periods. However, at the end of this period there is a doublet that looks shorter and more sei-like and both calls classified as call type 17. This is a tricky one. Check audio.
12/31/17 06:12:2442.9249-65.1766blue whale arch and downsweep
12/31/17 06:27:2442.9242-65.1782blue whale downsweep
12/31/17 07:12:2442.9210-65.1763blue whale downsweep
12/31/17 07:27:2442.9204-65.1736blue whale downsweep and maybe moan
12/31/17 07:42:2442.9198-65.1709blue whale downsweeps
12/31/17 08:12:2442.9187-65.1655downsweep doublet call type 17 - possible sei.
12/31/17 08:27:2442.9181-65.1628short downsweeps and blue whale arch call
12/31/17 11:27:2442.9088-65.1195blue whale downsweep - possible - check audio
12/31/17 11:42:2442.9082-65.1146blue whale downsweep
12/31/17 12:12:2442.9071-65.1047blue whale downsweep - possible, check audio several downsweeps including doublets
12/31/17 12:27:2442.9065-65.0998blue whale arch call and downsweep
12/31/17 15:12:2442.9043-65.0653blue whale downsweep - possible - check audio
12/31/17 20:12:2442.9173-65.0880blue whale downsweep - possible - check audio
12/31/17 20:27:2442.9164-65.0874Blue whale arch call
12/31/17 21:12:2442.9134-65.0857Blue whale moan - possible - check audio
12/31/17 23:27:2442.8945-65.0759Blue whale moan - possible - check audio
