Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/19/24 06:50:15Possibly detected48.1869-61.2046In P3 - potential SW with classified single down sweep
06/19/24 13:20:15Possibly detected48.2132-61.2826P5- SW downsweep marked as 17
06/19/24 20:50:15Possibly detected48.2390-61.3224P7 & P11 - SW down sweeps (singles)
06/19/24 21:05:15Possibly detected48.2389-61.3224P4 - potential SW single - classified. Updated note 27/06/2024 (LF) note that some pitch tracks may be indicative of BW presence (P7 and P14)
06/19/24 21:20:15Possibly detected48.2388-61.3224P2 - pitch track classified as 1 call of SW but also has upsweep at end of the down - looks U shaped the up most likely unassociated pitch track


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/19/24 00:05:1548.1588-61.1756In terms of potential FW there are only two notes that have an INI of less than 1 min in P5 but then are 5 sec apart so no FW detection.
06/19/24 01:05:1548.1590-61.1759In P5, P8, P10, P12 - there are potential calls but also likely background noise - low amplitude.
06/19/24 04:50:1548.1868-61.2054FW in P2 and P4 w/ 15sec INI but only two calls in each panel no third call.
06/19/24 06:50:1548.1869-61.2046In P3 - potential SW with classified single down sweep
06/19/24 10:50:1548.1974-61.2407The potential FW calls are in P4 with INI of 4sec and very faint - Not detected.
06/19/24 13:03:2748.2074-61.2684P5 - has faint down-sweep maybe SW but no conclusive evidence.
06/19/24 13:20:1548.2132-61.2826P5- SW downsweep marked as 17
06/19/24 20:50:1548.2390-61.3224P7 & P11 - SW down sweeps (singles)
06/19/24 21:05:1548.2389-61.3224P4 - potential SW single - classified. Updated note 27/06/2024 (LF) note that some pitch tracks may be indicative of BW presence (P7 and P14)
06/19/24 21:20:1548.2388-61.3224P2 - pitch track classified as 1 call of SW but also has upsweep at end of the down - looks U shaped the up most likely unassociated pitch track
06/19/24 23:35:1548.2540-61.4069All potential FW are too close together and faint
