Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/19/24 08:20:15Possibly detected48.7460-62.7694P6 and P14 - P6 is a type 17 cal but P14 is a sei whale call so PD for SW
07/19/24 09:20:15Possibly detected48.7458-62.7688P5 - single SW call.
07/19/24 10:35:15Possibly detected48.7517-62.7038Possible SW downsweeps in P3 (classified), P6, 12 & 15 (classified as HW call type 17), and P8 (unclassified).
07/19/24 16:35:15Possibly detected48.7767-62.7182Possible SW downsweeps in P12 (classified) and P2 & 6 (unclassified), although these should be treated cautiously, given the possible BW presence in preceding periods.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/19/24 07:50:15Possibly detected48.7461-62.7697P7,10,13,15 - P7,10,13 are all type 17 call - P13 looks like could be an arch call and P10 looks like concave down d-call. SO PD for BW
07/19/24 08:50:15Possibly detected48.7459-62.7691P9 & 14 - P9 is a type 17 call . P14 looks to be an arch call though an artefact at the end but PD for BW
07/19/24 10:50:15Possibly detected48.7515-62.7037Possible BW calls in P5 (classified as HW call type 17) and P13; the call in P13 may be part of an arch call and appears to have slight downward concavity.
07/19/24 11:05:15Possibly detected48.7513-62.7037Possible BW D calls in P4 & 13; the call in P4 appears slightly concave-down.
07/19/24 21:35:15Possibly detected48.7490-62.6835Possible BW D calls in P5 & 13, both of which may have downward concavity.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/19/24 07:50:1548.7461-62.7697P7,10,13,15 - P7,10,13 are all type 17 call - P13 looks like could be an arch call and P10 looks like concave down d-call. SO PD for BW
07/19/24 08:20:1548.7460-62.7694P6 and P14 - P6 is a type 17 cal but P14 is a sei whale call so PD for SW
07/19/24 08:50:1548.7459-62.7691P9 & 14 - P9 is a type 17 call . P14 looks to be an arch call though an artefact at the end but PD for BW
07/19/24 09:20:1548.7458-62.7688P5 - single SW call.
07/19/24 09:35:1548.7458-62.7686P3 & P4 - two calls both non concave.
07/19/24 09:42:0948.7458-62.7686P2 - start of call is concave down but only call like this in period.
07/19/24 10:20:1548.7519-62.7038Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P1, 5, 7, & 14 (classified as HW call type 17) and P4 (unclassified), none of which have discernible downward concavity.
07/19/24 10:35:1548.7517-62.7038Possible SW downsweeps in P3 (classified), P6, 12 & 15 (classified as HW call type 17), and P8 (unclassified).
07/19/24 10:50:1548.7515-62.7037Possible BW calls in P5 (classified as HW call type 17) and P13; the call in P13 may be part of an arch call and appears to have slight downward concavity.
07/19/24 11:05:1548.7513-62.7037Possible BW D calls in P4 & 13; the call in P4 appears slightly concave-down.
07/19/24 11:20:1548.7511-62.7037Possible BW D call in P8 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/19/24 11:35:1548.7508-62.7036Possible BW D call in P12 (slightly concave-down).
07/19/24 12:50:1548.7497-62.7035Possible BW D call in P13 (portions of downward concavity).
07/19/24 13:05:1548.7495-62.7034Possible BW D call in P8 (potential downward concavity).
07/19/24 13:20:1548.7493-62.7034Possible BW D call in P12 (no clear downward concavity).
07/19/24 13:35:1548.7491-62.7034Possible BW D call (or part of an arch call) in P4 (no clear downward concavity).
07/19/24 13:50:1548.7489-62.7033Possible BW D call in P10 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/19/24 14:20:1548.7484-62.7033Possible BW D call in P4 (concave-down).
07/19/24 15:35:1548.7771-62.7183Possible BW D calls in P6 & 12, neither of which has downward concavity.
07/19/24 15:50:1548.7770-62.7183Possible BW D calls in P14 (classified as HW call type 17) and P3 & 15, none of which have downward concavity.
07/19/24 16:05:1548.7769-62.7183Possible BW D calls in P15 (classified as HW call type 17) and P5, neither of which has downward concavity.
07/19/24 16:20:1548.7768-62.7183Possible BW D call in P4 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/19/24 16:35:1548.7767-62.7182Possible SW downsweeps in P12 (classified) and P2 & 6 (unclassified), although these should be treated cautiously, given the possible BW presence in preceding periods.
07/19/24 17:35:1548.7762-62.7182Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P11 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/19/24 17:50:1548.7760-62.7182Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P1 (unclassified).
07/19/24 18:05:1548.7759-62.7181Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P9 (classified as HW call type 17) and P10 (unclassified).
07/19/24 19:50:1548.7489-62.6831Possible BW D call in P5 (possible downward concavity).
07/19/24 21:35:1548.7490-62.6835Possible BW D calls in P5 & 13, both of which may have downward concavity.
