Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
09/02/24 02:50:15 | 48.6270 | -62.3991 | P8 has a RW classified call but it is poorly shaped. |
09/02/24 05:05:15 | 48.6273 | -62.3981 | P 3 & 12 - FW with INI 12sec perviously we had INI 16. Multiple calls with same
INI potentially transitional period for FW INI. |
09/02/24 05:23:30 | 48.6270 | -62.3930 | Leila stopped here. This page has been validated. |
09/02/24 10:20:15 | 48.6178 | -62.3487 | P9,11,13,14,15 - P9 is a sw classified calls. All other calls are non-classified
or type17 calls. No concave down calls here. |
09/02/24 10:35:15 | 48.6163 | -62.3461 | P2 and P8 - P2 is an unclassified call and P8 is a type17 call but no features to
define for a specific species. |
09/02/24 11:20:15 | 48.6119 | -62.3383 | P8,12,13,14 - there are no concave down calls. There is a type 17 call. Not enough
call detail to classify. |
09/02/24 11:35:15 | 48.6105 | -62.3356 | P2 - type 17 call not details to classify |
09/02/24 17:20:15 | 48.5768 | -62.2755 | P14 - part of a call - looks to be concave down at the start. |
09/02/24 21:50:15 | 48.5504 | -62.2283 | P6 - FW INI 13sec |