Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 05:20:15Possibly detected48.6538-62.4641P8 - single classified sw call.
09/15/24 10:05:15Possibly detected48.6531-62.4596P1 - single classified SW call.
09/15/24 10:35:15Possibly detected48.6530-62.4591P15 - single classified sw call

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 12:05:15Possibly detected48.6144-62.4164P8-9 - FW INI 14sec over three calls.
09/15/24 13:35:15Detected48.6139-62.4168P5-P6,P8, P15 - FW 13 sec INI
09/15/24 14:20:15Possibly detected48.6137-62.4170P1 - FW 8sec INI (3 calls) - as a note this is one of the shortest INI seen so far this season
09/15/24 14:35:15Detected48.6136-62.4171P13 - FW pulse with 12-13 sec INI third call has a even lower amplitude and as such the INI is harder to read.
09/15/24 15:35:15Detected48.6133-62.4173P10-P11 - 15-16 sec FW INI - very low amplitude calls
09/15/24 19:05:15Detected48.6091-62.3400P1-2 12sec INI for FW (4calls) P3 12 sec INI (3 calls), P4-5 12sec INI (3 calls), P8 12sec INI (3 calls). P9-10 15-16sec INI here across six calls. P11- 15-16sec INI on three calls.
09/15/24 19:20:15Detected48.6091-62.3399P8 - type17 call non-concave. P4-5 - 15-16sec INI across 8 calls. The amplitude is quite low and the length is short. This is likely D for FW here.
09/15/24 21:05:15Detected48.6087-62.3395P4-5 - 16 sec FW INI - note the calls are very low amplitude
09/15/24 23:05:15Possibly detected48.6083-62.3389P3 - 16 sec INI (3 calls)
09/15/24 23:20:15Possibly detected48.6082-62.3389P7 - 13sec FW INI (three calls other calls in period after with longer and shorter INI)

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 18:35:15Possibly detected48.6092-62.3401P2,5,10 - P2 is a BW A-call, P5 is a concave down d-call. P10 is a type 17 call a non-concave call here.
09/15/24 20:35:15Possibly detected48.6088-62.3396P3&5 - P3 has two calls one is concave down and one is very short. P5 is non- concave


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 00:50:1548.6718-62.5191P14 - type17 call with no concavity.
09/15/24 02:50:1548.6704-62.5201P5 - type 17 call where the start could have a little downward concavity
09/15/24 05:20:1548.6538-62.4641P8 - single classified sw call.
09/15/24 06:35:1548.6536-62.4629P2 - a non-concave call that is short.
09/15/24 06:50:1548.6536-62.4627P2&3 - two downward calls with one that has a little downward concavity but it is very short.
09/15/24 07:35:1548.6535-62.4620P12 - 16sec FW INI
09/15/24 10:05:1548.6531-62.4596P1 - single classified SW call.
09/15/24 10:35:1548.6530-62.4591P15 - single classified sw call
09/15/24 11:05:1548.6530-62.4586P5&15 - P5 is a single concave downsweep. P15 is a type17 call with no concavity
09/15/24 11:20:1548.6529-62.4584P14 - single call that mostly runs along the 50hz line some downward concavity at the end.
09/15/24 12:05:1548.6144-62.4164P8-9 - FW INI 14sec over three calls.
09/15/24 13:35:1548.6139-62.4168P5-P6,P8, P15 - FW 13 sec INI
09/15/24 14:20:1548.6137-62.4170P1 - FW 8sec INI (3 calls) - as a note this is one of the shortest INI seen so far this season
09/15/24 14:35:1548.6136-62.4171P13 - FW pulse with 12-13 sec INI third call has a even lower amplitude and as such the INI is harder to read.
09/15/24 15:35:1548.6133-62.4173P10-P11 - 15-16 sec FW INI - very low amplitude calls
09/15/24 18:35:1548.6092-62.3401P2,5,10 - P2 is a BW A-call, P5 is a concave down d-call. P10 is a type 17 call a non-concave call here.
09/15/24 18:50:1548.6092-62.3401P8&12 - two downward calls with no concavity
09/15/24 19:05:1548.6091-62.3400P1-2 12sec INI for FW (4calls) P3 12 sec INI (3 calls), P4-5 12sec INI (3 calls), P8 12sec INI (3 calls). P9-10 15-16sec INI here across six calls. P11- 15-16sec INI on three calls.
09/15/24 19:20:1548.6091-62.3399P8 - type17 call non-concave. P4-5 - 15-16sec INI across 8 calls. The amplitude is quite low and the length is short. This is likely D for FW here.
09/15/24 20:35:1548.6088-62.3396P3&5 - P3 has two calls one is concave down and one is very short. P5 is non- concave
09/15/24 21:05:1548.6087-62.3395P4-5 - 16 sec FW INI - note the calls are very low amplitude
09/15/24 23:05:1548.6083-62.3389P3 - 16 sec INI (3 calls)
09/15/24 23:20:1548.6082-62.3389P7 - 13sec FW INI (three calls other calls in period after with longer and shorter INI)
