Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 18:35:15Possibly detected48.7106-62.6148P14 - single classified sw call

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 06:05:15Detected48.7038-62.5918P6-7 - 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P9 11-12sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 06:20:15Detected48.7038-62.5918P3-4 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P5-6 (5 calls) also in P7-8.
09/27/24 06:35:15Detected48.7038-62.5917P5 - FW 10-11 sec INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 19:35:15Detected48.6698-62.5679P10 10-122 sec FW INI (3 calls) and in P12 with 4 calls.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 07:50:15Detected48.7038-62.5916P6-9, 11-12 - BW Arch calls
09/27/24 08:05:15Possibly detected48.7038-62.5916P1 - quite broken BW arch calls
09/27/24 08:20:15Possibly detected48.7038-62.5916P2,5,10 - all have calls that could be BW and likely the end of arch calls not the best amplitude


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 06:05:1548.7038-62.5918P6-7 - 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P9 11-12sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 06:20:1548.7038-62.5918P3-4 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P5-6 (5 calls) also in P7-8.
09/27/24 06:35:1548.7038-62.5917P5 - FW 10-11 sec INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 07:35:1548.7038-62.5916Some unclear call throughout that are maybe BW.
09/27/24 07:50:1548.7038-62.5916P6-9, 11-12 - BW Arch calls
09/27/24 08:05:1548.7038-62.5916P1 - quite broken BW arch calls
09/27/24 08:20:1548.7038-62.5916P2,5,10 - all have calls that could be BW and likely the end of arch calls not the best amplitude
09/27/24 09:50:1548.7038-62.5914P6 - single type 17 call no cocnavity
09/27/24 10:20:1548.7038-62.5914P5, 13-15 - very low amplitude slightly broken calls likely BW but no concavity at and kind of run along 50hz line
09/27/24 10:35:1548.7038-62.5914P3-6, 8-9 more quite BW like calls that could be part of arch calls but are very short.
09/27/24 16:35:1548.7109-62.6150P14 has a type 17 call while there are very short pitched tracks in in P12 and P15 but no concavity
09/27/24 18:35:1548.7106-62.6148P14 - single classified sw call
09/27/24 19:35:1548.6698-62.5679P10 10-122 sec FW INI (3 calls) and in P12 with 4 calls.
