Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/02/24 15:20:15Possibly detected48.6570-62.271512sec FW INI P5-6. Two SW classified calls in P1 and then unclassified calls in P14 that could be BW not SW but not concave down thus marking PD for SW but probable BW here.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/02/24 00:35:15Detected48.6088-62.1838P2 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls) and the same in P4 with 4 calls and 3 calls in P8-9
10/02/24 01:20:15Detected48.6087-62.1839P10 -10-11sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/02/24 02:20:15Detected48.6086-62.1840P3 - 13 sec FW INI (4 calls). P9 15-16 sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 02:35:15Detected48.6086-62.1840P1-2 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/02/24 03:20:15Detected48.6085-62.1841P2-3 11-12sec FW INI 4+ calls
10/02/24 03:34:34Detected48.6182-62.2051P7-8 12-13 sec FW INI
10/02/24 05:35:15Possibly detected48.6403-62.2518P12 - 11-12se FW INI 4 calls with 3 classified.
10/02/24 05:50:15Detected48.6403-62.2516P2-3 11-12sec FW INI 4+ calls
10/02/24 06:05:15Detected48.6404-62.2514P9-10 11-12sec FW INI 4+
10/02/24 07:05:15Possibly detected48.6405-62.2507P14 12 sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 10:50:15Detected48.6585-62.268912-13 sec FW INI Across period.
10/02/24 11:05:15Detected48.6585-62.2691P1-2 12sec FW INI 4+ calls
10/02/24 11:35:15Possibly detected48.6583-62.2694P9 - 12sec FW INI (3 call)
10/02/24 11:50:15Possibly detected48.6582-62.2695P12 - 12 sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 12:20:15Detected48.6580-62.2698P2-3 12-13sec FW INI 4+ calls and in P10-11
10/02/24 12:35:15Detected48.6580-62.2699P2 12sec FW INI and 4 calls in P5
10/02/24 13:50:15Detected48.6575-62.2707P5-6 12sec FW INI 4+ calls. 12-13sec INI in P7
10/02/24 14:05:15Detected48.6575-62.270812-13sec FW INI in p1-2 (4 + calls). 15sec in P15 (3 calls)
10/02/24 14:20:15Possibly detected48.6574-62.2709P7&8 - 15-16sec FW INI 3 calls in each
10/02/24 15:20:15Possibly detected48.6570-62.271512sec FW INI P5-6. Two SW classified calls in P1 and then unclassified calls in P14 that could be BW not SW but not concave down thus marking PD for SW but probable BW here.
10/02/24 16:05:15Detected48.6568-62.2719P10-11 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls) and P13-14
10/02/24 16:20:15Detected48.6567-62.2721Multiple 15-16 sec FW INI across period for 4+ calls.
10/02/24 18:50:15Possibly detected48.6801-62.3222P2 15sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 22:05:15Detected48.6794-62.320612-13 sec FW INI in multiple panels of 4+ calls


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/02/24 00:35:1548.6088-62.1838P2 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls) and the same in P4 with 4 calls and 3 calls in P8-9
10/02/24 01:20:1548.6087-62.1839P10 -10-11sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/02/24 02:20:1548.6086-62.1840P3 - 13 sec FW INI (4 calls). P9 15-16 sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 02:35:1548.6086-62.1840P1-2 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/02/24 03:20:1548.6085-62.1841P2-3 11-12sec FW INI 4+ calls
10/02/24 03:34:3448.6182-62.2051P7-8 12-13 sec FW INI
10/02/24 05:35:1548.6403-62.2518P12 - 11-12se FW INI 4 calls with 3 classified.
10/02/24 05:50:1548.6403-62.2516P2-3 11-12sec FW INI 4+ calls
10/02/24 06:05:1548.6404-62.2514P9-10 11-12sec FW INI 4+
10/02/24 07:05:1548.6405-62.2507P14 12 sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 10:50:1548.6585-62.268912-13 sec FW INI Across period.
10/02/24 11:05:1548.6585-62.2691P1-2 12sec FW INI 4+ calls
10/02/24 11:35:1548.6583-62.2694P9 - 12sec FW INI (3 call)
10/02/24 11:50:1548.6582-62.2695P12 - 12 sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 12:20:1548.6580-62.2698P2-3 12-13sec FW INI 4+ calls and in P10-11
10/02/24 12:35:1548.6580-62.2699P2 12sec FW INI and 4 calls in P5
10/02/24 13:50:1548.6575-62.2707P5-6 12sec FW INI 4+ calls. 12-13sec INI in P7
10/02/24 14:05:1548.6575-62.270812-13sec FW INI in p1-2 (4 + calls). 15sec in P15 (3 calls)
10/02/24 14:20:1548.6574-62.2709P7&8 - 15-16sec FW INI 3 calls in each
10/02/24 15:20:1548.6570-62.271512sec FW INI P5-6. Two SW classified calls in P1 and then unclassified calls in P14 that could be BW not SW but not concave down thus marking PD for SW but probable BW here.
10/02/24 16:05:1548.6568-62.2719P10-11 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls) and P13-14
10/02/24 16:20:1548.6567-62.2721Multiple 15-16 sec FW INI across period for 4+ calls.
10/02/24 18:50:1548.6801-62.3222P2 15sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/02/24 22:05:1548.6794-62.320612-13 sec FW INI in multiple panels of 4+ calls
