Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
06/27/24 14:28:06 | 49.1115 | -63.5558 | FW - possible with 13 sec INI P2&3
Potential but not enough to put PD BW - P3 - downsweep with classification 17 -
and unclassified quiet calls in P6 and 10 |
06/27/24 14:43:06 | 49.1115 | -63.5556 | P6 and P16 - P6 has concave down and classified as 17. P16 - looks to be clear SW
downsweep. |
06/27/24 15:28:06 | 49.1115 | -63.5553 | P4 - SW classified. P11 - short call - could be part of D-call. Putting possible SW
call but caution with potential BW around. |
06/27/24 15:43:06 | 49.1115 | -63.5551 | P13 - potential BW concave down |
06/27/24 17:28:06 | 49.1101 | -63.5348 | P4 - a 17 downsweep. Could be BW but not enough detail to go on. |
06/27/24 18:13:06 | 49.1096 | -63.5350 | P15 - quiet unclassified downsweep - unclear if this could be part BW call. |
06/27/24 18:28:06 | 49.1095 | -63.5351 | P10 and P15 - potential BW. P10 is very quiet. P15 is louder. |
06/27/24 19:28:06 | 49.1088 | -63.5354 | P8, 11,12 - potential BW but not enough of each pitch to confirm for PD or D. |
06/27/24 19:58:06 | 49.1085 | -63.5355 | P13 - could be part BW call. |
06/27/24 23:28:06 | 49.0983 | -63.5075 | P13 - potential BW call but only one. |
06/27/24 23:43:06 | 49.0983 | -63.5075 | P16 - one BW D-call no concavity |
06/27/24 23:58:06 | 49.0983 | -63.5075 | P5 and P13 - unclassified calls - P5 is overlapping so unclear which spp. P13 could
be BW. |