Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/02/24 00:13:06Detected49.2366-63.8997Four consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 15 seconds. Very nice BW arch calls in P4-8.
11/02/24 01:58:06Possibly detected49.2299-63.8567Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P2-3 with an INI = 16 seconds. BW arch calls in P3-5 & 13-16.
11/02/24 02:58:06Detected49.2299-63.8575Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. Very nice BW arch calls in P2-4 & 8-11.
11/02/24 03:58:06Detected49.2298-63.8582Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. BW arch calls in P2-4 & 10-12.
11/02/24 04:13:06Possibly detected49.2297-63.8584Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 15 seconds. BW arch calls in P2 & 3.
11/02/24 05:58:06Detected49.2296-63.8596Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. Very nice BW arch and A calls in P11-16.
11/02/24 06:57:26Possibly detected49.2295-63.8604Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 15 seconds. Very nice BW arch calls in P10-14.
11/02/24 07:58:06Detected49.2101-63.8106P4-6 - 16sec FW INI 4+ calls. P10-15 - Long loud BW concave down calls with some loud and long BW A-calls.
11/02/24 09:58:06Detected49.2104-63.8087P1-2, 4-6, 10-11 - concave down BW calls. P2-3 ~15sec FW INI 4 calls.
11/02/24 17:28:06Possibly detected49.1941-63.8166P2-3 ~16 sec FW INI and P6 - ~12 sec FW INI - 3 calls in each
11/02/24 19:58:06Possibly detected49.2207-63.8992P5- 15sec FW INI 3 calls. P9-11 - non-concave BW like calls pitched tracked.
11/02/24 20:43:06Detected49.2202-63.8988P13-14 ~16sec FW INI 4 calls. Note: P11 20sec FW INI 3 calls. P8 16sec FW INI 3 calls.
11/02/24 20:58:06Detected49.2200-63.8986P5-6 ~16sec FW INI 4 calls
11/02/24 21:13:06Possibly detected49.2199-63.8984P8-9 ~16sec FW INI 3 calls.
11/02/24 21:43:06Detected49.2195-63.8981P8-9 ~16sec FW INI 4 calls.
11/02/24 21:58:06Detected49.2194-63.8980Similar FW INI In multiple locations across the period of 4+ calls (~15-16sec)
11/02/24 22:13:06Detected49.2192-63.8978P14-16 ~15-6sec FW INI 4 + calls also 4 calls in P9
11/02/24 22:28:06Detected49.2191-63.8976P2-3 - 1§sec FW INI 4+ calls. P8,14,15 - potential BW calls not concave down
11/02/24 22:58:06Detected49.2187-63.8973Similar FW INI In multiple locations across the period of 4 and 4+ calls (~15- 16sec)
11/02/24 23:13:06Detected49.2186-63.8971P4-5, P7-9, P10-11 FW calls INI ~16sec 4-4+calls.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/02/24 00:13:06Detected49.2366-63.8997Four consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 15 seconds. Very nice BW arch calls in P4-8.
11/02/24 00:58:06Detected49.2300-63.8560BW arch calls in P6 & 7.
11/02/24 01:13:06Detected49.2300-63.8562BW arch calls in P13-16.
11/02/24 01:28:06Detected49.2300-63.8564BW arch calls in P2, 9, 10, 15, & 16.
11/02/24 01:58:06Detected49.2299-63.8567Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P2-3 with an INI = 16 seconds. BW arch calls in P3-5 & 13-16.
11/02/24 02:13:06Detected49.2299-63.8569BW arch calls in P2 & 13.
11/02/24 02:58:06Detected49.2299-63.8575Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. Very nice BW arch calls in P2-4 & 8-11.
11/02/24 03:58:06Detected49.2298-63.8582Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. BW arch calls in P2-4 & 10-12.
11/02/24 04:13:06Detected49.2297-63.8584Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 15 seconds. BW arch calls in P2 & 3.
11/02/24 04:58:06Detected49.2297-63.8589BW arch and A calls throughout the period.
11/02/24 05:58:06Detected49.2296-63.8596Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. Very nice BW arch and A calls in P11-16.
11/02/24 06:57:26Detected49.2295-63.8604Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 15 seconds. Very nice BW arch calls in P10-14.
11/02/24 07:58:06Detected49.2101-63.8106P4-6 - 16sec FW INI 4+ calls. P10-15 - Long loud BW concave down calls with some loud and long BW A-calls.
11/02/24 08:58:06Detected49.2103-63.8097P1-3, P10-13 - concave down BW calls including arch and d-calls.
11/02/24 09:13:06Detected49.2103-63.8094P2-4 - concave down BW calls.
11/02/24 09:58:06Detected49.2104-63.8087P1-2, 4-6, 10-11 - concave down BW calls. P2-3 ~15sec FW INI 4 calls.
11/02/24 10:58:06Detected49.2106-63.8078P3-5, P9-13 - concave down BW calls.
11/02/24 12:13:06Detected49.1941-63.8163P3-6 - concave down BW calls.
11/02/24 12:28:06Detected49.1941-63.8163P3-5 - concave down BW calls
11/02/24 15:43:06Detected49.1941-63.8165P4-7, P11-16 - BW calls - many at start are very short but later in period they are long and clear concave down
11/02/24 15:58:06Detected49.1941-63.8165P2-3, 6-7, 9-12 - BW pitched tracks - clear concave down in P6-7 others have very short tracks or no concavity
11/02/24 17:58:06Possibly detected49.1941-63.8166P4,5,6,8,16 - BW A-calls.
11/02/24 19:13:06Possibly detected49.2212-63.8997P7-9 - 3 BW A-calls. P14 - non-concave BW calls.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
11/02/24 00:13:0649.2366-63.8997Four consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 15 seconds. Very nice BW arch calls in P4-8.
11/02/24 00:58:0649.2300-63.8560BW arch calls in P6 & 7.
11/02/24 01:13:0649.2300-63.8562BW arch calls in P13-16.
11/02/24 01:28:0649.2300-63.8564BW arch calls in P2, 9, 10, 15, & 16.
11/02/24 01:58:0649.2299-63.8567Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P2-3 with an INI = 16 seconds. BW arch calls in P3-5 & 13-16.
11/02/24 02:13:0649.2299-63.8569BW arch calls in P2 & 13.
11/02/24 02:58:0649.2299-63.8575Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. Very nice BW arch calls in P2-4 & 8-11.
11/02/24 03:58:0649.2298-63.8582Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. BW arch calls in P2-4 & 10-12.
11/02/24 04:13:0649.2297-63.8584Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 15 seconds. BW arch calls in P2 & 3.
11/02/24 04:58:0649.2297-63.8589BW arch and A calls throughout the period.
11/02/24 05:58:0649.2296-63.8596Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs. Very nice BW arch and A calls in P11-16.
11/02/24 06:57:2649.2295-63.8604Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2-3 with an INI = 15 seconds. Very nice BW arch calls in P10-14.
11/02/24 07:58:0649.2101-63.8106P4-6 - 16sec FW INI 4+ calls. P10-15 - Long loud BW concave down calls with some loud and long BW A-calls.
11/02/24 08:58:0649.2103-63.8097P1-3, P10-13 - concave down BW calls including arch and d-calls.
11/02/24 09:13:0649.2103-63.8094P2-4 - concave down BW calls.
11/02/24 09:58:0649.2104-63.8087P1-2, 4-6, 10-11 - concave down BW calls. P2-3 ~15sec FW INI 4 calls.
11/02/24 10:58:0649.2106-63.8078P3-5, P9-13 - concave down BW calls.
11/02/24 12:13:0649.1941-63.8163P3-6 - concave down BW calls.
11/02/24 12:28:0649.1941-63.8163P3-5 - concave down BW calls
11/02/24 12:58:0649.1941-63.8163Pitched tracks around 50 hz across period
11/02/24 13:13:0649.1941-63.8163P9-16 - broken BW-like pitched tracks - no clear concavity
11/02/24 13:28:0649.1941-63.8163P3-5 - three pitched tracks - could be BW but calls are broken
11/02/24 13:58:0649.1941-63.8164P8, P12-16 - broken, quiet BW like calls - with no clear concavity
11/02/24 15:28:0649.1941-63.8165P13-16 - quiet pitched tracks around 50 hz
11/02/24 15:43:0649.1941-63.8165P4-7, P11-16 - BW calls - many at start are very short but later in period they are long and clear concave down
11/02/24 15:58:0649.1941-63.8165P2-3, 6-7, 9-12 - BW pitched tracks - clear concave down in P6-7 others have very short tracks or no concavity
11/02/24 16:13:0649.1941-63.8165P1-3 - short pitched tracks no clear concavity
11/02/24 17:28:0649.1941-63.8166P2-3 ~16 sec FW INI and P6 - ~12 sec FW INI - 3 calls in each
11/02/24 17:58:0649.1941-63.8166P4,5,6,8,16 - BW A-calls.
11/02/24 19:13:0649.2212-63.8997P7-9 - 3 BW A-calls. P14 - non-concave BW calls.
11/02/24 19:58:0649.2207-63.8992P5- 15sec FW INI 3 calls. P9-11 - non-concave BW like calls pitched tracked.
11/02/24 20:43:0649.2202-63.8988P13-14 ~16sec FW INI 4 calls. Note: P11 20sec FW INI 3 calls. P8 16sec FW INI 3 calls.
11/02/24 20:58:0649.2200-63.8986P5-6 ~16sec FW INI 4 calls
11/02/24 21:13:0649.2199-63.8984P8-9 ~16sec FW INI 3 calls.
11/02/24 21:43:0649.2195-63.8981P8-9 ~16sec FW INI 4 calls.
11/02/24 21:58:0649.2194-63.8980Similar FW INI In multiple locations across the period of 4+ calls (~15-16sec)
11/02/24 22:13:0649.2192-63.8978P14-16 ~15-6sec FW INI 4 + calls also 4 calls in P9
11/02/24 22:28:0649.2191-63.8976P2-3 - 1§sec FW INI 4+ calls. P8,14,15 - potential BW calls not concave down
11/02/24 22:58:0649.2187-63.8973Similar FW INI In multiple locations across the period of 4 and 4+ calls (~15- 16sec)
11/02/24 23:13:0649.2186-63.8971P4-5, P7-9, P10-11 FW calls INI ~16sec 4-4+calls.
