Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/28/24 04:06:39Possibly detected49.3696-64.3888P1,2,12,14 - No evidence to suggest BW. SW possible but note the call 17.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/28/24 13:36:39Possibly detected49.4003-64.4218Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P11 with an INI = 13 seconds.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
06/28/24 01:36:3949.3780-64.3898P14 - small concave calls. BW but not enough to PD or D.
06/28/24 02:21:3949.3754-64.3895P3,6,9,12 - small pitched tracks
06/28/24 02:51:3949.3738-64.3893P11&16 potential part of BW calls.
06/28/24 03:06:3949.3729-64.3892P2,4,12 - potential BW - no concavity
06/28/24 03:36:3949.3712-64.3890P13,14,16 - pitched tracks likely background
06/28/24 03:51:3949.3704-64.3889P3,6,14,16 - pitched tracks but no detections
06/28/24 04:06:3949.3696-64.3888P1,2,12,14 - No evidence to suggest BW. SW possible but note the call 17.
06/28/24 04:21:3949.3687-64.3887P6,8,11 - pitched tracks but no detections
06/28/24 05:36:3949.3995-64.4042P4 - potential BW call - some concavity
06/28/24 07:51:3949.3987-64.4048P15 - potential BW call only one.
06/28/24 08:36:3949.3984-64.4050P10 - could be a part of a BW call.
06/28/24 13:36:3949.4003-64.4218Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P11 with an INI = 13 seconds.
06/28/24 20:36:3949.3786-64.4673Possible BW D calls in P10, 12, & 13 appear concave-down, but their short durations make this difficult to confirm.
06/28/24 20:51:3949.3784-64.4674Possible low amplitude BW D call in P3 (concave-down).
