Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/06/24 09:06:39Possibly detected49.5280-65.0205Possible SW downsweep in P7 (classified).
07/06/24 13:06:39Possibly detected49.5091-64.9984Possible SW downsweep in P14 (classified).
07/06/24 13:21:39Possibly detected49.5079-64.9970Possible SW downsweep in P10 (classified).
07/06/24 22:06:39Possibly detected49.4750-65.0143Possible SW downsweep in P15 (classified).
07/06/24 23:21:39Possibly detected49.4752-65.0144Possible SW downsweep in P4 (classified).

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/06/24 15:21:39Possibly detected49.5037-65.0026Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P14-15 with an INI = 15 seconds.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/06/24 07:36:39Possibly detected49.5332-65.0244Possible BW D calls in P9 & 14; the call in P9 appears concave-down.
07/06/24 08:36:39Possibly detected49.5303-65.0233Possible BW D call in P4 & 9; the call in P4 appears concave-down.
07/06/24 16:51:39Possibly detected49.5021-65.0129Possible BW D calls in P2, 3, 8, & 9; despite the one SW classification, the call in P2 appears slightly concave-down, indicating blue whale presence.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/06/24 04:21:3949.5379-65.0167High-frequency biological downsweep in P6.
07/06/24 07:36:3949.5332-65.0244Possible BW D calls in P9 & 14; the call in P9 appears concave-down.
07/06/24 08:36:3949.5303-65.0233Possible BW D call in P4 & 9; the call in P4 appears concave-down.
07/06/24 09:06:3949.5280-65.0205Possible SW downsweep in P7 (classified).
07/06/24 10:51:3949.5197-65.0108Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P2 & 6.
07/06/24 11:36:3949.5162-65.0067Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P6 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/06/24 13:06:3949.5091-64.9984Possible SW downsweep in P14 (classified).
07/06/24 13:21:3949.5079-64.9970Possible SW downsweep in P10 (classified).
07/06/24 13:36:3949.5067-64.9956Possible SW downsweep in P13 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/06/24 15:21:3949.5037-65.0026Three possible FW pulses in sequence (two classified) in P14-15 with an INI = 15 seconds.
07/06/24 15:51:3949.5032-65.0060Possible low amplitude downsweeps in P8 (classified as HW call type 17) and P14 (unclassified).
07/06/24 16:21:3949.5026-65.0095Possible BW D call in P4 (potential downward concavity).
07/06/24 16:51:3949.5021-65.0129Possible BW D calls in P2, 3, 8, & 9; despite the one SW classification, the call in P2 appears slightly concave-down, indicating blue whale presence.
07/06/24 19:21:3949.4992-65.0301Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P5 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/06/24 22:06:3949.4750-65.0143Possible SW downsweep in P15 (classified).
07/06/24 22:36:3949.4751-65.0143Possible SW downsweep in P15 (classified as HW call type 17).
07/06/24 23:21:3949.4752-65.0144Possible SW downsweep in P4 (classified).
