Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
07/13/24 00:21:39 | 49.3277 | -64.3591 | Possible BW D call in P12 (concave-down). |
07/13/24 02:21:39 | 49.3277 | -64.3590 | Possible BW D calls in P14 & 15. |
07/13/24 02:36:39 | 49.3277 | -64.3590 | Possible SW downsweeps in P3 (classified), P1 & 4 (classified as HW call type
17), and P3 (unclassified), none of which have discernible concavity to indicate
BW presence. |
07/13/24 03:36:39 | 49.3276 | -64.3589 | Possible BW D calls in P6, 14 & 16; the call in P6 has downward concavity. |
07/13/24 03:51:39 | 49.3276 | -64.3589 | Possible BW D calls in P1, 10-12 & 14; although the call in P11 is classified as
SW, the call in P1 appears concave-down, indicating that these are attributable
to BW presence. |
07/13/24 04:36:39 | 49.3276 | -64.3589 | Probable BW arch calls in P4 and D calls in P5, 7, 8, & 12-16, several of which
have downward concavity. |
07/13/24 04:47:56 | 49.3323 | -64.3469 | Possible SW downsweeps in P6 (classified), P9 (classified as HW call type 17), P3
(unclassified); although none have obvious downward concavity, these should be
treated cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 05:21:39 | 49.3443 | -64.3165 | Possible SW downsweeps in P8 (classified) and P4 (unclassified); although neither
has obvious downward concavity, these should be treated cautiously, given the BW
presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 05:36:39 | 49.3443 | -64.3166 | Possible SW downsweeps in P5, 7, 8 (classified as HW call type 17) and P10 & 15;
although none have obvious downward concavity, these should be treated
cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 05:51:39 | 49.3443 | -64.3167 | Possible BW D calls in P3, 4, 6, 9, & 15, several of which appear to have
downward concavity. However, this is difficult to confirm because of
broken/jagged pitch tracks, so this period has been scored cautiously. |
07/13/24 06:06:39 | 49.3442 | -64.3168 | Possible BW D call in P16 (portions of downward concavity). |
07/13/24 06:21:39 | 49.3442 | -64.3170 | Possible BW arch calls in P6 & 9 and D calls in P3, 5, 12, & 14. |
07/13/24 06:36:39 | 49.3441 | -64.3171 | Possible BW D calls 2, 3, & 6, none of which have discernible downward concavity. |
07/13/24 06:51:39 | 49.3441 | -64.3172 | Possible SW downsweeps in P2 & 14 (classified), although these should be treated
cautiously, given the probable BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 07:06:39 | 49.3441 | -64.3173 | Possible BW arch call in P3. |
07/13/24 07:21:39 | 49.3440 | -64.3175 | Possible BW arch calls in P11 & 14; despite a SW classification in P16, this is
likely a BW D call, given the potential arch call in the period. |
07/13/24 07:36:39 | 49.3440 | -64.3176 | Possible BW arch call in P14 and D calls in P3, 4, 6, 11, 13, & 16, although none
have obvious downward concavity. |
07/13/24 07:51:39 | 49.3439 | -64.3177 | Possible SW downsweeps in P9 (classified) and P10, 15, & 16 (unclassified);
although none have obvious downward concavity, these should be treated
cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 08:06:39 | 49.3439 | -64.3179 | Probable BW arch call in P4 and possible D calls in P2, 9, & 13. |
07/13/24 08:21:39 | 49.3439 | -64.3180 | Possible BW D calls in P1 & 4, neither of which has downward concavity. |
07/13/24 08:51:39 | 49.3438 | -64.3182 | Probable BW arch call in P9 and possible D calls 10, 11, & 13. |
07/13/24 09:06:39 | 49.3437 | -64.3184 | Probable BW arch call in P6 and a possible D call in P9 (classified as SW). |
07/13/24 09:21:39 | 49.3437 | -64.3185 | Possible SW downsweeps in P5 (classified) and P16 (unclassified); although
neither has obvious downward concavity, these should be treated cautiously, given
the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 09:36:39 | 49.3436 | -64.3186 | Possible SW downsweeps in P4 (classified) and P12 (unclassified); although
neither has obvious downward concavity, these should be treated cautiously, given
the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 10:36:39 | 49.3435 | -64.3191 | Probable BW arch call in P8. |
07/13/24 10:51:39 | 49.3434 | -64.3192 | Probable BW arch call in P12. |
07/13/24 11:06:39 | 49.3434 | -64.3194 | Possible arch call in P12 and D calls in P6 & 11. |
07/13/24 11:51:39 | 49.3070 | -64.2631 | Possible SW downsweeps in P3 (classified) and P8 (unclassified); although neither
has obvious downward concavity, these should be treated cautiously, given the BW
presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 12:21:39 | 49.3070 | -64.2631 | Possible BW arch call in P2. |
07/13/24 12:36:39 | 49.3070 | -64.2631 | Possible BW arch call in P10. |
07/13/24 13:21:39 | 49.3069 | -64.2630 | Possible BW arch call in P2. |
07/13/24 14:06:39 | 49.3068 | -64.2630 | Possible BW D calls in P15 & 16, none of which have discernible downward
concavity. |
07/13/24 14:21:39 | 49.3068 | -64.2629 | Possible BW D call in P3. |
07/13/24 14:36:39 | 49.3068 | -64.2629 | Possible BW D calls in P2 & 4. |
07/13/24 15:36:39 | 49.3067 | -64.2628 | Possible SW downsweeps in P15 (classified), P2 & 7 (classified as HW call type
17), and P12 & 14 (unclassified); although none have obvious downward concavity,
these should be treated cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 16:36:39 | 49.3066 | -64.2628 | Possible BW arch call in P5 and D calls in P2-4, 9, & 12. |
07/13/24 16:51:39 | 49.3065 | -64.2628 | Possible BW arch calls in P1, 6, 9, & 11 and D calls in P5, 8, & 11. |
07/13/24 17:06:39 | 49.3065 | -64.2627 | Possible BW D call in P9. |
07/13/24 18:06:39 | 49.3248 | -64.2044 | Possible SW downsweeps in P5 (classified), P2 & 6 (classified as HW call type
17), and P10 & 14 (unclassified); although none have obvious downward concavity,
these should be treated cautiously, given the BW presence in preceding periods. |
07/13/24 18:21:39 | 49.3248 | -64.2046 | Possible SW downsweeps/BW D calls in P8 & 14 (classified as HW call type 17) and
P13 (unclassified). |
07/13/24 18:36:39 | 49.3249 | -64.2047 | Possible SW downsweeps in P14 (classified as HW call type 17) and P6 & 12
(unclassified). |
07/13/24 18:51:39 | 49.3249 | -64.2048 | Possible BW arch call in P3 and D calls in P4, 8, & 9. |
07/13/24 19:06:39 | 49.3250 | -64.2050 | Possible BW D calls in P9 (downward concavity) and P1, 5, 13, & 14. |
07/13/24 19:36:39 | 49.3251 | -64.2053 | Possible BW D call in P13. |
07/13/24 20:51:39 | 49.3254 | -64.2059 | Possible BW arch call in P7. |
07/13/24 21:06:39 | 49.3255 | -64.2061 | Possible BW D calls in P5, 10 & 14, none of which has obvious downward concavity. |
07/13/24 21:21:39 | 49.3255 | -64.2062 | Possible BW D calls in P5 & 16 (classified as HW call type 17), neither of which
has discernible downward concavity. |
07/13/24 21:36:39 | 49.3256 | -64.2064 | Possible BW D calls in P2, 5, 8, 9, 11, & 12; the call in P5 appears concave-
down. |