Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
07/23/24 00:21:39 | 49.3459 | -64.6337 | Probable partial BW arch calls or long-duration D calls in P3 & 5-7, three of
which have downward concavity. |
07/23/24 00:36:39 | 49.3442 | -64.6312 | Possible SW downsweep in P6 (classified), although this should be treated
cautiously, given the BW detection in the preceding period. |
07/23/24 17:36:39 | 49.3455 | -64.5770 | P2 - potential calls at a higher frequency (200-250hz). Could be HW? But only in
one panel. |
07/23/24 21:18:46 | 49.3397 | -64.5514 |