Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/10/24 00:21:39 | 49.1795 | -63.8072 | P3,9,10,11,12,14,16 - P16 is type 17 call. P3&10 are concave up. P9 has no
concavity. P11 looks to be an arch call. P12 has an artefact at start but could be
an arch call. P14 are quiet parts of calls around 50hz no concavity. Could perhaps
be part of arch calls. Given the potential arch call PD for BW. |
08/10/24 00:36:39 | 49.1796 | -63.8069 | P1-5,9-11,14-15 - lots of potential arch calls in this period. In particular
1,2,9,14. P11 has a type 17 call. D for BW |
08/10/24 00:51:39 | 49.1796 | -63.8066 | P4,6,7,10,11 - P11 is concave up call. The other calls looks to be part of arch
calls that run along the 50hz line. PD for BW. |
08/10/24 07:32:30 | 49.1826 | -63.7607 | P6 non concave call. P7 type 17 call. |
08/10/24 08:06:39 | 49.1829 | -63.7449 | P7,9,12,14 - P7 is type 17 call. P9&12 are concave down call. P14 broken non
concave call. PD for BW. |
08/10/24 09:21:39 | 49.1839 | -63.7443 | P9 - type 17 call |
08/10/24 09:36:39 | 49.1841 | -63.7441 | P14 - quiet non concave call |
08/10/24 09:51:39 | 49.1843 | -63.7440 | P6 - longer concave down call. |
08/10/24 10:06:39 | 49.1845 | -63.7439 | P10 - non concave call. |
08/10/24 11:36:39 | 49.1857 | -63.7431 | P5 - short part of call. Non concave but artefact end |
08/10/24 12:21:39 | 49.1537 | -63.6965 | P5 - non concave call. |
08/10/24 13:06:39 | 49.1534 | -63.6953 | P14 - non concave call. |
08/10/24 14:21:39 | 49.1528 | -63.6934 | P11 - concave down call. |
08/10/24 14:51:39 | 49.1526 | -63.6926 | P2,4,5, - P2 and P5 have type 17 calls. P2 has an arch like call and P4 has what
looks like it could be part of a BW concave down call |
08/10/24 15:21:39 | 49.1524 | -63.6918 | P6 & P15 - P6 is a concave up call and P15 is a type 17 call with upward concavity. |
08/10/24 15:36:39 | 49.1494 | -63.6875 | P12 - type 17 call not enough concavity to classify |
08/10/24 16:06:39 | 49.1385 | -63.6733 | P4,12,13 - P4 looks like a quiet part of a concave down call. P12 has two calls
one is concave down and one has no concavity. P13 has a no concave call. PD for BW |
08/10/24 16:21:39 | 49.1383 | -63.6733 | P1 is concave down call. P4 is a concave up call. PD for BW |
08/10/24 17:21:39 | 49.1372 | -63.6731 | P12&P14 - P12 - broken call with no clear concavity. P14 non-concave call. |
08/10/24 17:36:39 | 49.1369 | -63.6730 | P2 - very jagged call with artefacts. |
08/10/24 17:51:39 | 49.1366 | -63.6730 | P2&P5 - both very jagged calls P2 is concave up and P5 has an artefact on the end
so concavity is not clear |
08/10/24 18:06:39 | 49.1363 | -63.6729 | P2,5,6, - P2 is a jagged quiet call along 50hz. P5 is concave down but very small
part of a call and P6 is concave up so PD for BW. |
08/10/24 18:21:39 | 49.1361 | -63.6729 | P1,4,8,9,11 - P1 is a single sw call BUT P4 is a arch call for BW. P 8,9,11 are
type 17 calls BUT P8 looks like an arch call. P9 is a no concave call. P11 is
concave up. PD for BW not SW. |
08/10/24 18:36:39 | 49.1358 | -63.6728 | P1,5,9,11 - No concave down calls. P9 is Type17 call. Could be BW but non of the
calls have down ward concavity |
08/10/24 18:51:39 | 49.1355 | -63.6728 | P8 - type17 call with no concavity |
08/10/24 19:32:35 | 49.1291 | -63.6583 | P6 - may be part of an arch call for BW. |
08/10/24 19:51:39 | 49.1281 | -63.6559 | P8 - quiet down call. |
08/10/24 20:06:39 | 49.1282 | -63.6562 | P2 - concave down call. |
08/10/24 21:06:39 | 49.1284 | -63.6575 | P14 - concave up call. |
08/10/24 21:21:39 | 49.1285 | -63.6578 | P2 - single call some downward concavity. |
08/10/24 22:21:39 | 49.1288 | -63.6590 | P4 - single concave down call. |