Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/15/24 14:51:39 | 48.9173 | -63.0399 | Possible BW D call in P10 (classified as HW call type 17) that appears to have
downward concavity. |
08/15/24 15:06:39 | 48.9174 | -63.0399 | Possible BW D call in P1 (concave-down). |
08/15/24 15:21:39 | 48.9174 | -63.0400 | Possible BW arch call in P7. |
08/15/24 16:21:39 | 48.9324 | -63.0467 | Possible BW D calls in P6 & 15; although the call in P15 is classified as SW, the
call in P6 appears to be concave-down, indicating that these are attributable to
BW presence. |
08/15/24 18:51:39 | 48.9335 | -63.0461 | Probable BW arch call in P7. |
08/15/24 23:51:21 | 48.9417 | -63.0756 | Possible RW upcalls in P9 & 10; the call in P9 is classified, mid- to high-
amplitude, well isolated, and has a nice shape. |