Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/24 04:19:46Possibly detected49.1020-63.5676Possible BW D calls in P2 & 6; although the call in P6 is classified as SW, the second call in P2 looks as if it may have downward concavity, indicating these are likely attributable to BW presence.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/24/24 02:06:3949.1027-63.5675Possible BW D calls in P4 & 7. Possible RW upcall in P8; although it is classified, it has a variable amplitude, several artifacts, and a questionable shape.
08/24/24 03:06:3949.1028-63.5682Possible BW D calls in P7, 9, 10, & 15, none of which have discernible downward concavity.
08/24/24 03:21:3949.1028-63.5684Possible BW D calls in P1 & 14.
08/24/24 04:19:4649.1020-63.5676Possible BW D calls in P2 & 6; although the call in P6 is classified as SW, the second call in P2 looks as if it may have downward concavity, indicating these are likely attributable to BW presence.
