Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 10:21:39Possibly detected49.1586-63.7214Possible SW downsweeps in P11 (classified) and P9 & 13 (unclassified).
09/15/24 18:51:39Possibly detected49.1314-63.7039Possible SW downsweep in P3 (classified).
09/15/24 20:06:39Possibly detected49.1311-63.7036Possible SW downsweep in P11 (classified).

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 23:36:39Possibly detected49.1220-63.6755Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2 with an INI = 16 seconds.

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 10:36:39Possibly detected49.1586-63.7214Probable partial BW arch calls in P3, 6, & 16 and a D call in P10.
09/15/24 10:51:39Possibly detected49.1585-63.7213Possible partial BW arch call in P4.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/15/24 06:21:3949.1348-63.7387P2,4,6 - have calls that run along 50hz line can not use these to classify but noting as could be interesting later. P11-12 have FW calls with either INI 15 or 16 seconds so not consistent.
09/15/24 10:21:3949.1586-63.7214Possible SW downsweeps in P11 (classified) and P9 & 13 (unclassified).
09/15/24 10:36:3949.1586-63.7214Probable partial BW arch calls in P3, 6, & 16 and a D call in P10.
09/15/24 10:51:3949.1585-63.7213Possible partial BW arch call in P4.
09/15/24 18:51:3949.1314-63.7039Possible SW downsweep in P3 (classified).
09/15/24 19:51:3949.1312-63.7037Possible partial BW arch call in P12 (low amplitude).
09/15/24 20:06:3949.1311-63.7036Possible SW downsweep in P11 (classified).
09/15/24 21:02:4749.1309-63.7034Possible SW downsweep/BW D call in P8.
09/15/24 23:36:3949.1220-63.6755Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P2 with an INI = 16 seconds.
