Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 13:06:39Possibly detected49.1803-63.8052P7 - single SW call.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 01:06:39Possibly detected49.2250-63.9026P10 -15sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 02:36:39Possibly detected49.2251-63.9027P6, P8 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls in each.)
09/27/24 03:21:39Possibly detected49.2251-63.9028P2-3 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 05:06:39Possibly detected49.1974-63.8393P10 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P14 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P16 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 05:21:39Possibly detected49.1973-63.8390P1-2 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 05:51:39Detected49.1971-63.8384P13 - 11-12 sec FW INI (4 calls). P15 - 16sec FW INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 08:36:39Detected49.1962-63.8352P9 - FW 11sec INI (3 calls). P15-16 FW 15 sec INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 08:51:39Detected49.1961-63.8349P2-3 - 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P4-6 9 quiet and broken BW arch calls these are very quiet calls but I think enough to mark D.
09/27/24 09:06:39Detected49.1960-63.8346P8 - 10-11sec FW INI (3 calls). P13 10-11sec FW INI (5 calls)
09/27/24 09:21:39Possibly detected49.1959-63.8343P3 - has 15-16sec FW INI But there are double calls at the start maybe two whales however there are four calls with the INI but will mark PD for FW due tot he double call.s
09/27/24 09:36:39Detected49.1959-63.8340P2-3 - 15-16sec FW INI (5 calls)
09/27/24 20:51:39Detected49.1600-63.7515P9, P10, P15 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls), P11-12 16sec FW INI (8 calls)
09/27/24 21:06:39Detected49.1600-63.7515P3-4 -11-12sec FW INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 22:21:39Possibly detected49.1600-63.7515P10 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 22:36:39Detected49.1600-63.7515P4 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P6-7, P8-9 15-16sec FW INI (5 calls in each)
09/27/24 23:51:39Detected49.1600-63.7514P13-14 - 11-12sec FW INI (6 calls), P15-16 11-12 sec INI (8 calls)

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 06:21:39Possibly detected49.1969-63.8378P8-10, P13-15 - BW A-calls first set are quiet last set are high amplitude and long.
09/27/24 06:36:39Possibly detected49.1969-63.8375P9,11,12,14 - BW A-calls most have high amplitude and good length
09/27/24 06:51:39Detected49.1968-63.8372P2-8, P9-12 - Multiple BW calls that are concave down even though P12 has a SW classified call the other calls indicate that this is a BW presence as the BW calls are a good duration, clearly concave down - the calls are likely BW arch calls with some d-calls in there.
09/27/24 08:51:39Detected49.1961-63.8349P2-3 - 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P4-6 9 quiet and broken BW arch calls these are very quiet calls but I think enough to mark D.
09/27/24 13:36:39Possibly detected49.1805-63.8050P7,8,10,11 - BW A-calls.
09/27/24 14:36:39Possibly detected49.1809-63.8045P6,7,8,9 - BW A-calls
09/27/24 16:36:39Possibly detected49.1817-63.8036P8,9 - have type 17 calls that are slightly concave down at the start and then concave up. P11 has a sw classified call. The calls in P8&9 make me think this is not a SW and P1 has a very broken call that could also be BW. PD for BW over SW>
09/27/24 17:06:39Possibly detected49.1819-63.8033P5,6,14,16 - BW A-calls
09/27/24 17:36:39Possibly detected49.1786-63.7959P5,6,7, - BW A-calls


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/27/24 01:06:3949.2250-63.9026P10 -15sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 02:36:3949.2251-63.9027P6, P8 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls in each.)
09/27/24 03:21:3949.2251-63.9028P2-3 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 05:06:3949.1974-63.8393P10 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P14 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P16 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 05:21:3949.1973-63.8390P1-2 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 05:51:3949.1971-63.8384P13 - 11-12 sec FW INI (4 calls). P15 - 16sec FW INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 06:06:3949.1970-63.8381P3-4 - potential BW calls broken and quiet calls.
09/27/24 06:21:3949.1969-63.8378P8-10, P13-15 - BW A-calls first set are quiet last set are high amplitude and long.
09/27/24 06:36:3949.1969-63.8375P9,11,12,14 - BW A-calls most have high amplitude and good length
09/27/24 06:51:3949.1968-63.8372P2-8, P9-12 - Multiple BW calls that are concave down even though P12 has a SW classified call the other calls indicate that this is a BW presence as the BW calls are a good duration, clearly concave down - the calls are likely BW arch calls with some d-calls in there.
09/27/24 08:21:3949.1963-63.8354P1 - non-concave call.
09/27/24 08:36:3949.1962-63.8352P9 - FW 11sec INI (3 calls). P15-16 FW 15 sec INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 08:51:3949.1961-63.8349P2-3 - 11-12sec FW INI (5 calls). P4-6 9 quiet and broken BW arch calls these are very quiet calls but I think enough to mark D.
09/27/24 09:06:3949.1960-63.8346P8 - 10-11sec FW INI (3 calls). P13 10-11sec FW INI (5 calls)
09/27/24 09:21:3949.1959-63.8343P3 - has 15-16sec FW INI But there are double calls at the start maybe two whales however there are four calls with the INI but will mark PD for FW due tot he double call.s
09/27/24 09:36:3949.1959-63.8340P2-3 - 15-16sec FW INI (5 calls)
09/27/24 12:21:3949.1800-63.8055P5,P6 - BW A-calls.
09/27/24 13:06:3949.1803-63.8052P7 - single SW call.
09/27/24 13:36:3949.1805-63.8050P7,8,10,11 - BW A-calls.
09/27/24 14:36:3949.1809-63.8045P6,7,8,9 - BW A-calls
09/27/24 14:51:3949.1810-63.8044P2 - BW A-call, P3 - I am not sure what this call is the end looks like BW A-call but the start dips down. P12 has slight concave down calls.
09/27/24 15:06:3949.1811-63.8043P2-3 - BW A-calls
09/27/24 16:36:3949.1817-63.8036P8,9 - have type 17 calls that are slightly concave down at the start and then concave up. P11 has a sw classified call. The calls in P8&9 make me think this is not a SW and P1 has a very broken call that could also be BW. PD for BW over SW>
09/27/24 17:06:3949.1819-63.8033P5,6,14,16 - BW A-calls
09/27/24 17:21:3949.1820-63.8032P2,3 - BW A-calls
09/27/24 17:36:3949.1786-63.7959P5,6,7, - BW A-calls
09/27/24 18:36:3949.1600-63.7515P9,12 - P9 has an unclassified call and a concave down Type17 call while P12 has a broken call. These are likely BW calls but most calls are broken.
09/27/24 20:51:3949.1600-63.7515P9, P10, P15 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls), P11-12 16sec FW INI (8 calls)
09/27/24 21:06:3949.1600-63.7515P3-4 -11-12sec FW INI (4 calls)
09/27/24 22:06:3949.1600-63.7515P7 - concave up call.
09/27/24 22:21:3949.1600-63.7515P10 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/27/24 22:36:3949.1600-63.7515P4 - 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P6-7, P8-9 15-16sec FW INI (5 calls in each)
09/27/24 23:06:3949.1600-63.7514P14 - short BW A-call
09/27/24 23:51:3949.1600-63.7514P13-14 - 11-12sec FW INI (6 calls), P15-16 11-12 sec INI (8 calls)
