Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/28/24 00:06:39Detected49.1600-63.751411-12 sec FW INI across period here
09/28/24 00:21:39Detected49.1600-63.7514P4- 12-13sec INI (5 calls) P8 - 15-16 sec FW INI (4 calls)
09/28/24 00:36:39Detected49.1600-63.7514Across there periods multiple periods 11-12 sec INI with 4+ calls.
09/28/24 01:36:39Detected49.1659-63.7464P9-10 - 15-16se FW INI (7 calls) and in P12 3 calls, P15 4 calls
09/28/24 01:51:39Detected49.1659-63.7464P6-7 15-16 sec FW INI (5 calls) and in P10 3 calls, P11 4 calls.
09/28/24 02:06:39Possibly detected49.1659-63.7463P9- 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P12-13 - BW A-calls three with good duration but but low amplitude.
09/28/24 02:21:39Possibly detected49.1660-63.7463P3 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 02:36:39Detected49.1660-63.7463P6 16 sec FW INI (3 calls) and P7 has 4 calls, P9 has 3 calls plus more across period.
09/28/24 03:36:39Detected49.1662-63.7461BW arch calls across the period that P3 SW classified call are also part of so BW over SW. P5 15-16 sec FW INI (3 calls) and in 13-14 with 4 calls.
09/28/24 05:06:39Detected49.1665-63.7459P9 - 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls) and P14-15 4 calls.
09/28/24 17:36:39Detected49.1254-63.6489Multiple BW arch calls across period! 12-13sec FW INI 4 calls in P1-2. 9sec INI in P14
09/28/24 19:06:39Possibly detected49.1255-63.6482P11 - 12sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 19:36:39Possibly detected49.1255-63.6480P3 - 11-12sec FW INI (3 calls). P14 - 10sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 19:51:39Possibly detected49.1255-63.6479P11 - 12sec FW INI (3 calls). BW A-calls in P14-15
09/28/24 20:36:39Possibly detected49.1255-63.6476P3 - concave down d-call. P7 - 11-12sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 20:51:39Detected49.1255-63.6474P2-3 - 11-12 FW INI (6 calls) and then more (6) across P3-4
09/28/24 21:06:39Detected49.1255-63.6473P5 - 11sec FW INI (3 calls). P8-9 15-16sec INI (7 calls)
09/28/24 23:51:39Possibly detected49.1173-63.6204P7 - 12 sec FW INI (3 calls)

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/28/24 03:36:39Detected49.1662-63.7461BW arch calls across the period that P3 SW classified call are also part of so BW over SW. P5 15-16 sec FW INI (3 calls) and in 13-14 with 4 calls.
09/28/24 10:51:39Detected49.1496-63.7058BW arch calls across this period that have a good duration and a good amplitude.
09/28/24 12:21:39Detected49.1402-63.6844P4-6 - BW arch calls - 8 calls though lower amplitude the duration is ok and quite clear a BW here.
09/28/24 14:06:39Detected49.1293-63.6593BW arch calls across the end of this period.
09/28/24 14:21:39Detected49.1278-63.6558Multiple BW arch calls across P3&4.
09/28/24 14:36:39Detected49.1262-63.6522P12-15 - multiple BW arch calls across this period.
09/28/24 14:45:40Possibly detected49.1253-63.6501Very short and low amplitude BW arch calls in this period.
09/28/24 15:36:39Detected49.1253-63.6498BW arch and A-call. Some of the arch calls are broken but everything is so consistent and with a good amplitude and length.
09/28/24 15:51:39Detected49.1253-63.6497BW arch calls before ADDET_OFF the SW classification mentioned in the table is not visible and nevertheless is likely BW due tot he arch calls.
09/28/24 16:36:39Detected49.1253-63.6493BW arch calls across period with good amplitude and length
09/28/24 16:51:39Possibly detected49.1253-63.6492Two BW arch calls.
09/28/24 17:36:39Detected49.1254-63.6489Multiple BW arch calls across period! 12-13sec FW INI 4 calls in P1-2. 9sec INI in P14


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
09/28/24 00:06:3949.1600-63.751411-12 sec FW INI across period here
09/28/24 00:21:3949.1600-63.7514P4- 12-13sec INI (5 calls) P8 - 15-16 sec FW INI (4 calls)
09/28/24 00:36:3949.1600-63.7514Across there periods multiple periods 11-12 sec INI with 4+ calls.
09/28/24 01:36:3949.1659-63.7464P9-10 - 15-16se FW INI (7 calls) and in P12 3 calls, P15 4 calls
09/28/24 01:51:3949.1659-63.7464P6-7 15-16 sec FW INI (5 calls) and in P10 3 calls, P11 4 calls.
09/28/24 02:06:3949.1659-63.7463P9- 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls). P12-13 - BW A-calls three with good duration but but low amplitude.
09/28/24 02:21:3949.1660-63.7463P3 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 02:36:3949.1660-63.7463P6 16 sec FW INI (3 calls) and P7 has 4 calls, P9 has 3 calls plus more across period.
09/28/24 03:36:3949.1662-63.7461BW arch calls across the period that P3 SW classified call are also part of so BW over SW. P5 15-16 sec FW INI (3 calls) and in 13-14 with 4 calls.
09/28/24 05:06:3949.1665-63.7459P9 - 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls) and P14-15 4 calls.
09/28/24 06:06:3949.1666-63.7458Very short low amplitude BW A-calls across the period.
09/28/24 06:21:3949.1667-63.7458Two short BW A-calls in P2 and 3.
09/28/24 08:51:3949.1620-63.7344low amplitude broken short calls across period that could be BW calls but not enough detail.
09/28/24 10:51:3949.1496-63.7058BW arch calls across this period that have a good duration and a good amplitude.
09/28/24 12:21:3949.1402-63.6844P4-6 - BW arch calls - 8 calls though lower amplitude the duration is ok and quite clear a BW here.
09/28/24 14:06:3949.1293-63.6593BW arch calls across the end of this period.
09/28/24 14:21:3949.1278-63.6558Multiple BW arch calls across P3&4.
09/28/24 14:36:3949.1262-63.6522P12-15 - multiple BW arch calls across this period.
09/28/24 14:45:4049.1253-63.6501Very short and low amplitude BW arch calls in this period.
09/28/24 15:36:3949.1253-63.6498BW arch and A-call. Some of the arch calls are broken but everything is so consistent and with a good amplitude and length.
09/28/24 15:51:3949.1253-63.6497BW arch calls before ADDET_OFF the SW classification mentioned in the table is not visible and nevertheless is likely BW due tot he arch calls.
09/28/24 16:36:3949.1253-63.6493BW arch calls across period with good amplitude and length
09/28/24 16:51:3949.1253-63.6492Two BW arch calls.
09/28/24 17:36:3949.1254-63.6489Multiple BW arch calls across period! 12-13sec FW INI 4 calls in P1-2. 9sec INI in P14
09/28/24 19:06:3949.1255-63.6482P11 - 12sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 19:36:3949.1255-63.6480P3 - 11-12sec FW INI (3 calls). P14 - 10sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 19:51:3949.1255-63.6479P11 - 12sec FW INI (3 calls). BW A-calls in P14-15
09/28/24 20:36:3949.1255-63.6476P3 - concave down d-call. P7 - 11-12sec FW INI (3 calls)
09/28/24 20:51:3949.1255-63.6474P2-3 - 11-12 FW INI (6 calls) and then more (6) across P3-4
09/28/24 21:06:3949.1255-63.6473P5 - 11sec FW INI (3 calls). P8-9 15-16sec INI (7 calls)
09/28/24 21:28:3449.1255-63.6472P3 - concave down call.
09/28/24 23:51:3949.1173-63.6204P7 - 12 sec FW INI (3 calls)
