Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/08/24 01:06:39Detected48.8088-62.8538Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 01:21:39Detected48.8087-62.8538Five consecutively classified FW pulses in P9-10 with an INI = 16 seconds.
10/08/24 02:21:39Detected48.8086-62.8541Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 02:36:39Detected48.8085-62.8541Six consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 12 seconds.
10/08/24 02:51:39Detected48.8085-62.8542Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 03:21:39Detected48.7979-62.8266Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 03:36:39Detected48.7981-62.8267Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 03:51:39Detected48.7982-62.8267Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 04:06:39Detected48.7983-62.8268Five consecutively classified FW pulses in P3 with an INI = 12 seconds.
10/08/24 04:36:39Detected48.7985-62.8270Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 04:51:39Possibly detected48.7986-62.8271Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P16 with an INI = 11 seconds.
10/08/24 05:06:39Detected48.7988-62.8272Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 05:21:39Detected48.7989-62.8273P1-2 17sec FW INI.
10/08/24 05:36:39Detected48.7990-62.8273Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls ~12sec INI
10/08/24 05:51:39Detected48.7991-62.8274Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls mostly ~12sec INI
10/08/24 06:06:39Detected48.7992-62.8275Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls ~12sec INI
10/08/24 10:36:39Detected48.7746-62.8002P4 - BW A-call. P7-8 FW 12sec INI 4+
10/08/24 10:51:39Possibly detected48.7747-62.8004P4 - 13sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/08/24 12:36:39Possibly detected48.7754-62.8015P4-5 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls). P1,13,16, BW A-calls.
10/08/24 13:06:39Detected48.7757-62.8018P12 - 16sec FW INI 4 calls. P15 12 sec FW INI 4 calls
10/08/24 13:21:39Detected48.7758-62.8019P2 11sec FW INI 5 calls but 3rd is not classified. P5&P9 11-12sec FW INI 4 calls.
10/08/24 13:36:39Detected48.7759-62.8021P7 - 12 sec FW INI ( 4calls)
10/08/24 13:51:39Detected48.7760-62.8023P4 - 12 sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 14:51:39Detected48.7764-62.8029P5 BW A-call. P9 11 sec FW INI (4 calls). P10 10-12sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/08/24 15:51:39Detected48.7769-62.8035P3-4 16sec FW INI 4+ calls. Multiple BW Arch calls.
10/08/24 18:51:39Detected48.8282-62.8410P12-13 14sec FW INI (4 calls). P15 - 12-13sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 19:06:39Detected48.8286-62.8412P1-2, P2-3, P14-15 15-16 sec FW INI (5 calls)
10/08/24 19:21:39Detected48.8289-62.8415Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls ~15-16sec INI
10/08/24 19:36:39Detected48.8292-62.8417P2-3 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 21:06:39Possibly detected48.8311-62.8433P13-14 16-17sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/08/24 21:21:39Detected48.8314-62.8435P7 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls) and in P12-13 4+ calls.
10/08/24 21:36:39Detected48.8318-62.8438P11-12 15-16sec FW INI 4+
10/08/24 21:51:39Detected48.8321-62.8441P5 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls) and 4 calls in P11, 3 calls in P15
10/08/24 22:06:39Detected48.8324-62.8443P4-5 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 22:36:39Detected48.8330-62.8448P6-7, P11-12 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls), P14 (3 calls), P15-16 4+ calls.
10/08/24 23:51:39Possibly detected48.8626-62.8414P8 - 16 sec FW INI (3 calls)

Blue whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/08/24 12:36:39Possibly detected48.7754-62.8015P4-5 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls). P1,13,16, BW A-calls.
10/08/24 12:51:39Possibly detected48.7756-62.8016P2,3,9,15 - BW A-calls.
10/08/24 14:36:39Possibly detected48.7763-62.8027P5,12,13 - BW A-calls.
10/08/24 15:06:39Possibly detected48.7766-62.8031P7 and P11 - two BW calls P7 is concave down and P11 is non-concave
10/08/24 15:51:39Detected48.7769-62.8035P3-4 16sec FW INI 4+ calls. Multiple BW Arch calls.
10/08/24 17:51:39Possibly detected48.8270-62.8399P7-9 BW A-calls


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/08/24 01:06:3948.8088-62.8538Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 01:21:3948.8087-62.8538Five consecutively classified FW pulses in P9-10 with an INI = 16 seconds.
10/08/24 02:21:3948.8086-62.8541Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 02:36:3948.8085-62.8541Six consecutively classified FW pulses in P5-6 with an INI = 12 seconds.
10/08/24 02:51:3948.8085-62.8542Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 03:21:3948.7979-62.8266Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 03:36:3948.7981-62.8267Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 03:51:3948.7982-62.8267Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 04:06:3948.7983-62.8268Five consecutively classified FW pulses in P3 with an INI = 12 seconds.
10/08/24 04:36:3948.7985-62.8270Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 04:51:3948.7986-62.8271Three consecutively classified FW pulses in P16 with an INI = 11 seconds.
10/08/24 05:06:3948.7988-62.8272Multiple instances of 4+ consecutively classified FW pulses with consistent INIs.
10/08/24 05:21:3948.7989-62.8273P1-2 17sec FW INI.
10/08/24 05:36:3948.7990-62.8273Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls ~12sec INI
10/08/24 05:51:3948.7991-62.8274Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls mostly ~12sec INI
10/08/24 06:06:3948.7992-62.8275Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls ~12sec INI
10/08/24 10:21:3948.7744-62.8000P14 - non concave down call
10/08/24 10:36:3948.7746-62.8002P4 - BW A-call. P7-8 FW 12sec INI 4+
10/08/24 10:51:3948.7747-62.8004P4 - 13sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/08/24 12:36:3948.7754-62.8015P4-5 - 15sec FW INI (3 calls). P1,13,16, BW A-calls.
10/08/24 12:51:3948.7756-62.8016P2,3,9,15 - BW A-calls.
10/08/24 13:06:3948.7757-62.8018P12 - 16sec FW INI 4 calls. P15 12 sec FW INI 4 calls
10/08/24 13:21:3948.7758-62.8019P2 11sec FW INI 5 calls but 3rd is not classified. P5&P9 11-12sec FW INI 4 calls.
10/08/24 13:36:3948.7759-62.8021P7 - 12 sec FW INI ( 4calls)
10/08/24 13:51:3948.7760-62.8023P4 - 12 sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 14:36:3948.7763-62.8027P5,12,13 - BW A-calls.
10/08/24 14:51:3948.7764-62.8029P5 BW A-call. P9 11 sec FW INI (4 calls). P10 10-12sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/08/24 15:06:3948.7766-62.8031P7 and P11 - two BW calls P7 is concave down and P11 is non-concave
10/08/24 15:51:3948.7769-62.8035P3-4 16sec FW INI 4+ calls. Multiple BW Arch calls.
10/08/24 17:21:3948.8263-62.8394P8 - BW A-call
10/08/24 17:36:3948.8266-62.8397P1 - BW A-call
10/08/24 17:51:3948.8270-62.8399P7-9 BW A-calls
10/08/24 18:21:3948.8276-62.8405P10 - BW A-call
10/08/24 18:51:3948.8282-62.8410P12-13 14sec FW INI (4 calls). P15 - 12-13sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 19:06:3948.8286-62.8412P1-2, P2-3, P14-15 15-16 sec FW INI (5 calls)
10/08/24 19:21:3948.8289-62.8415Equal FW INI Across periods 4+ calls ~15-16sec INI
10/08/24 19:36:3948.8292-62.8417P2-3 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 21:06:3948.8311-62.8433P13-14 16-17sec FW INI (3 calls)
10/08/24 21:21:3948.8314-62.8435P7 - 16sec FW INI (3 calls) and in P12-13 4+ calls.
10/08/24 21:36:3948.8318-62.8438P11-12 15-16sec FW INI 4+
10/08/24 21:51:3948.8321-62.8441P5 15-16sec FW INI (3 calls) and 4 calls in P11, 3 calls in P15
10/08/24 22:06:3948.8324-62.8443P4-5 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls)
10/08/24 22:36:3948.8330-62.8448P6-7, P11-12 15-16sec FW INI (4 calls), P14 (3 calls), P15-16 4+ calls.
10/08/24 23:51:3948.8626-62.8414P8 - 16 sec FW INI (3 calls)
