Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/17/24 09:49:48Possibly detected47.9082-63.6347Possible HW song units in P6 & 8; low- to mid-frequency sounds. Their shape and amplitude-modulation are less convincing, however.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/17/24 09:49:4847.9082-63.6347Possible HW song units in P6 & 8; low- to mid-frequency sounds. Their shape and amplitude-modulation are less convincing, however.
07/17/24 13:49:4847.9094-63.6417One classified RW upcall in P12. Although it has reasonable shape and is mid- amplitude, it is short duration and is not isolated.
07/17/24 18:49:4847.9166-63.6586One classified RW upcall in P9; although it is isolated and has reasonable shape, it is low-amplitude and short-duration. In addition, this period is filled with similar pitch tracks likely produced by background noise.
07/17/24 20:04:4847.9191-63.6644One classified RW upcall in P8. The first portion is mid- to high-amplitude and has reasonable shape for an upcall, but the end is modified by a large artifact and the pitch track as a whole is not isolated from other sounds.
07/17/24 21:49:4847.9226-63.6724Possible baleen whale moans in P3 & 4. It could be part of a HW song, but the intervals are off-pattern.
