Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/01/24 02:04:48Detected47.7857-64.0230Fourteen classified RW upcalls are shown throughout the period. Most calls are very high-amplitude and of similar mid-duration. Some are well-isolated (P2, 6 & 10) and shapely (P3, 4 & 9).
08/01/24 06:49:48Possibly detected47.7901-64.0100One possible RW upcall in P5 that is very high amplitude. Two possible upcalls in P7 (unclassified) have long durations. One possible mid-amplitude upcall in P9 and tonal moans in P8 & 9. None of these calls are classified. Despite being isolated, the combination of their shape and inconsistent amplitude makes these detections less convincing.
08/01/24 07:49:48Possibly detected47.7961-64.0056Two classified RW upcalls in P2 & 4. Both are high-amplitude with adequate shape, with the second call being longer and well-isolated. Two possible RW upcalls in P1 & 2 (unclassified). These calls are high-amplitude, but the first is poorly shaped, and the second is of short duration. Tonal moans in P12 & 13.
08/01/24 08:49:48Possibly detected47.8022-64.0013Four classified RW upcalls in P14 & 15. Three of these are very high-amplitude, but only the first call is of longer duration and adequately shaped. The fourth call in P15 is mid-amplitude. Additionally, tonal moans in P15 match the amplitudes of the two sets of classified calls, suggesting the possibility of at least two individuals.
08/01/24 17:04:48Possibly detected47.8327-63.9867One classified RW upcall in P2. Although it is not nicely shaped and is relatively short duration, it is mid-amplitude and seems isolated from surrounding sounds.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/01/24 00:04:4847.7854-64.0046One classified SW downsweep in P9; it is very short-duration.
08/01/24 02:04:4847.7857-64.0230Fourteen classified RW upcalls are shown throughout the period. Most calls are very high-amplitude and of similar mid-duration. Some are well-isolated (P2, 6 & 10) and shapely (P3, 4 & 9).
08/01/24 05:49:4847.7876-64.0137One classified RW upcall in P3; it is low- to mid-amplitude, short duration, and poorly shaped.
08/01/24 06:49:4847.7901-64.0100One possible RW upcall in P5 that is very high amplitude. Two possible upcalls in P7 (unclassified) have long durations. One possible mid-amplitude upcall in P9 and tonal moans in P8 & 9. None of these calls are classified. Despite being isolated, the combination of their shape and inconsistent amplitude makes these detections less convincing.
08/01/24 07:49:4847.7961-64.0056Two classified RW upcalls in P2 & 4. Both are high-amplitude with adequate shape, with the second call being longer and well-isolated. Two possible RW upcalls in P1 & 2 (unclassified). These calls are high-amplitude, but the first is poorly shaped, and the second is of short duration. Tonal moans in P12 & 13.
08/01/24 08:49:4847.8022-64.0013Four classified RW upcalls in P14 & 15. Three of these are very high-amplitude, but only the first call is of longer duration and adequately shaped. The fourth call in P15 is mid-amplitude. Additionally, tonal moans in P15 match the amplitudes of the two sets of classified calls, suggesting the possibility of at least two individuals.
08/01/24 10:04:4847.8062-63.9984One classified RW upcall in P6; although it is very high amplitude, it is poorly shaped, short duration, and is not isolated.
08/01/24 12:49:4847.8221-63.9953One classified RW upcall in P2; it is low amplitude, its shape is modified by a large artifact, and is not isolated.
08/01/24 16:49:4847.8321-63.9874One classified SW call in P5; although it is isolated, it is very faint and high frequency.
08/01/24 17:04:4847.8327-63.9867One classified RW upcall in P2. Although it is not nicely shaped and is relatively short duration, it is mid-amplitude and seems isolated from surrounding sounds.
08/01/24 18:04:4847.8324-63.9840One classified RW upcall in P5 and possible moans in P1 & 4. However, this period is filled with pitch tracks likely produced by background noise, making any detections very little convincing.
08/01/24 20:49:4847.8455-63.9838One classified RW upcall in P2 and possible moans in P2 & 3. However, this period is dominated by background noise, making any detections suspicious.
08/01/24 22:04:4847.8476-63.9858Possible loud RW upcall in P9 (unclassified).
08/01/24 22:49:4847.8493-63.9884One classified RW upcall in P4; it is poorly shaped and is not isolated. This is another period dominated by background noise.
08/01/24 23:49:4847.8542-63.9904One possible RW upcall in P5 (classified as HW). It is likely produced by background noise, however.
