Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/03/24 06:19:48 | 47.9010 | -63.9069 | One classified RW upcall in P9. It is mid-amplitude, has adequate shape and
duration, and is isolated. |
08/03/24 07:49:48 | 47.8969 | -63.8902 | Two classified RW upcalls in P6 and 9. The call in P6 is of very short duration and
difficult to assess despite its high amplitude. The call in P9 is partially faint,
with only a portion visible, which is mid-amplitude. There is a partial upcall or
moan in P8 that is loud. Considering the low quality of available calls, I am
marking this period as Not Detected. |
08/03/24 08:49:48 | 47.8951 | -63.8788 | One upcall in P8 classified as HW. Although it is mid-amplitude, it is poorly shape
and modified by artifacts. |
08/03/24 14:04:48 | 47.9097 | -63.8417 | One classified RW upcall in P9 and a second upcall classified as HW in P10. The
first call is very short duration, poorly shaped, and is not isolated from similar
pitch tracks. The second call is low- to mid-amplitude and relatively isolated from
other pitch tracks around. However, it is too steep and its shape is modified by a
large artifact. Both detections are likely produced by background noise. |
08/03/24 14:49:48 | 47.9103 | -63.8366 | One classified RW upcall in P7; it is short duration, poorly shaped, and is not
isolated. |
08/03/24 16:49:48 | 47.9107 | -63.8195 | Two classified RW upcalls in P6 & 12. The first call is isolated; however, it is low
amplitude and poorly shaped. |
08/03/24 18:04:48 | 47.9105 | -63.8106 | Two classified RW upcalls in P6 & 7. The calls are mid- and low-amplitude,
respectively. The first call is isolated. However, both calls are short duration and
poorly shaped. |
08/03/24 18:49:48 | 47.9071 | -63.8022 | One classified RW upcall in P4. It is mid amplitude, has adequate shape and
duration, and is reasonably isolated from surrounding sounds. |
08/03/24 19:49:48 | 47.9014 | -63.7924 | One classified RW upcall in P4. Although it is high amplitude, it is short duration
and is not isolated. One possible upcall in P8 (unclassified) and possible moans in
P14-15. However, their shape is little convincing of biological sounds. |
08/03/24 20:49:48 | 47.8957 | -63.7827 | Two classified RW upcalls in P2 & 9. One possible upcall in P3 (unclassified). The
classified call in P9 is mid amplitude, has good duration, reasonable shape, and is
isolated. |
08/03/24 22:49:48 | 47.8873 | -63.7706 | One classified RW upcall in P12. One possible RW upcall in P11 (unclassified). The
classified call is high amplitude, isolated, and has good shape and duration. |