Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/14/24 09:49:48Possibly detected47.5122-63.5522Two classified RW upcalls in P6. These calls are very short in duration, with mid- and low-amplitude and adequate shape, but they are not isolated. One possible RW upcall in P7 (unclassified) that is low- to mid-amplitude, has a longer duration and better shape despite appearing somewhat steep, and is reasonably isolated.
08/14/24 21:49:48Possibly detected47.5300-63.6072One classified upcall in P4 (classified as HW). This call is mid- to high- amplitude, long duration, shapely, and isolated.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/14/24 09:49:4847.5122-63.5522Two classified RW upcalls in P6. These calls are very short in duration, with mid- and low-amplitude and adequate shape, but they are not isolated. One possible RW upcall in P7 (unclassified) that is low- to mid-amplitude, has a longer duration and better shape despite appearing somewhat steep, and is reasonably isolated.
08/14/24 19:49:4847.5295-63.5953Two classified RW upcalls in P4 & 11. They are both part of multiple pitch tracks likely produced by background noise.
08/14/24 21:49:4847.5300-63.6072One classified upcall in P4 (classified as HW). This call is mid- to high- amplitude, long duration, shapely, and isolated.
08/14/24 23:49:4847.5316-63.6167One possible RW high upcall in P2? However, this period has other panels with apparent high upcalls that are likely background noise.
