Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/18/24 00:04:48 | 47.6399 | -64.0288 | Four classified RW upcalls in P3 and P7. Two additional upcalls in P3 that are
unclassified. Calls have similar mid-duration, adequate shape, and are isolated.
Four of them are mid- to high-amplitude. The last call in P3 (unclassified) has a
check-mark shape. |
08/18/24 04:04:48 | 47.6381 | -64.0628 | One classified RW upcall in P5 with possibly two additional upcalls in P4. These
are very similar calls: loud, with adequate shape and duration, but only the
second call in P4 is completely isolated. |
08/18/24 04:19:48 | 47.6376 | -64.0625 | Possible moans in P2. |
08/18/24 06:49:48 | 47.6354 | -64.0785 | One classified upcall in P9 (classified as HW). This call is loud and isolated,
even though its shape and duration are modified by artifacts. |
08/18/24 08:04:48 | 47.6344 | -64.0813 | Two classified upcalls in P5 (one classified as HW). Possible upcalls in P4 and
P10 (unclassified). Although the calls are isolated and three of them are mid- to
high-amplitude, all calls are short, and only one is classified as RW. |
08/18/24 08:19:48 | 47.6339 | -64.0759 | Two classified RW upcalls in P9 and P11 with possibly three additional upcalls in
P1 and P11 that are unclassified. Although calls are isolated and mid- to high-
amplitude, all calls are very short. |
08/18/24 08:49:48 | 47.6363 | -64.0785 | One classified RW upcall in P6; it is very short and poorly shaped. |
08/18/24 21:49:48 | 47.6589 | -64.0724 | One classified RW upcall in P15 with possibly a second upcall in P13 that is
unclassified. Calls are mid- to high-amplitude, isolated, but their shape and
duration are only adequate.
One classified SW singlet in P4; this call is poorly shaped. |
08/18/24 22:04:48 | 47.6600 | -64.0720 | Only one classified RW upcall is shown, and it is part of multiple pitch tracks
likely produced by glider self-noise in P1. |