Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/20/24 00:04:48Detected47.7607-64.0292Three classified RW upcalls in P4, P7. and P10. Four additional upcalls in P6, P7, and P10 (unclassified). All calls are very loud and have good durations, six of them are isolated, and at least three of them are nicely shaped (in P4 and P7).
08/20/24 00:19:48Detected47.7601-64.0300Four classified RW upcalls in P6 and P9-11. Seven additional upcalls in the period (unclassified). Unclassified calls in P1 and classified calls in P9 and P11 are very loud. Most calls in this period are isolated. All calls have a good duration and the call in P11 is nicely shaped.
08/20/24 04:04:48Possibly detected47.7772-64.0473Three RW upcalls in P4 (one is classified). They are all loud and seem isolated from surrounding sounds, but only the classified call is nicely shaped with a good duration.
08/20/24 04:49:48Detected47.7722-64.0439Two classified RW upcalls in P6 and P11. Five-six additional upcalls throughout the period that are unclassified. All calls are very loud and have good durations. At least three of the calls are isolated. The calls in P7 and P11 are shapely even with minor artifacts.
08/20/24 05:49:48Possibly detected47.7660-64.0337One classified RW upcall in P6 that is loud, with adequate shape and duration, but is not isolated. Three possible moans in P3 and P4; they are poorly pitch-tracked, however.
08/20/24 06:49:48Possibly detected47.7597-64.0235None of the classified RW upcalls are available. Two possible upcalls in P2 (unclassified) and four possible high upcalls in P4-5 (one classified as HW). The first high upcall in P5 is nicely shaped and mid-amplitude. There is no clear pattern or repetition in this period's mid-frequency sounds to evidence HW presence. These sounds are likely produced by background noise, and the upcalls could be RWs.
08/20/24 12:49:48Possibly detected47.7644-63.9623Seven possible upcalls in P3-5 and P13-15. One is classified as HW.
08/20/24 14:49:48Possibly detected47.7716-63.9433Two classified RW upcalls in P4 and P6. Possible upcalls in P5 and P7-9 that are unclassified. All calls are loud, but they are not completely isolated and are mostly short. The classified call in P6 has adequate shape despite an artifact, and the second unclassified call in P9 has good shape.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/20/24 00:04:4847.7607-64.0292Three classified RW upcalls in P4, P7. and P10. Four additional upcalls in P6, P7, and P10 (unclassified). All calls are very loud and have good durations, six of them are isolated, and at least three of them are nicely shaped (in P4 and P7).
08/20/24 00:19:4847.7601-64.0300Four classified RW upcalls in P6 and P9-11. Seven additional upcalls in the period (unclassified). Unclassified calls in P1 and classified calls in P9 and P11 are very loud. Most calls in this period are isolated. All calls have a good duration and the call in P11 is nicely shaped.
08/20/24 04:04:4847.7772-64.0473Three RW upcalls in P4 (one is classified). They are all loud and seem isolated from surrounding sounds, but only the classified call is nicely shaped with a good duration.
08/20/24 04:49:4847.7722-64.0439Two classified RW upcalls in P6 and P11. Five-six additional upcalls throughout the period that are unclassified. All calls are very loud and have good durations. At least three of the calls are isolated. The calls in P7 and P11 are shapely even with minor artifacts.
08/20/24 05:49:4847.7660-64.0337One classified RW upcall in P6 that is loud, with adequate shape and duration, but is not isolated. Three possible moans in P3 and P4; they are poorly pitch-tracked, however.
08/20/24 06:49:4847.7597-64.0235None of the classified RW upcalls are available. Two possible upcalls in P2 (unclassified) and four possible high upcalls in P4-5 (one classified as HW). The first high upcall in P5 is nicely shaped and mid-amplitude. There is no clear pattern or repetition in this period's mid-frequency sounds to evidence HW presence. These sounds are likely produced by background noise, and the upcalls could be RWs.
08/20/24 08:04:4847.7537-64.0144Two classified RW upcalls in P8-9 with possibly three additional upcalls in P8 and P10 that are unclassified. The classified call in P9 is loud, as well as the unclassified calls in P8, but they are poorly shaped and are not isolated. None of the calls are convincing to mark a RW detection.
08/20/24 09:34:4847.7560-63.9972Possible upcall in P15, but it is not isolated neither classified.
08/20/24 09:49:4847.7566-63.9938One classified RW upcall in P1. Although it seems to be mid-amplitude, this call is too short.
08/20/24 10:49:4847.7590-63.9804Possible HW sounds in P6-9? High-frequency upcalls and downsweeps.
08/20/24 12:49:4847.7644-63.9623Seven possible upcalls in P3-5 and P13-15. One is classified as HW.
08/20/24 14:49:4847.7716-63.9433Two classified RW upcalls in P4 and P6. Possible upcalls in P5 and P7-9 that are unclassified. All calls are loud, but they are not completely isolated and are mostly short. The classified call in P6 has adequate shape despite an artifact, and the second unclassified call in P9 has good shape.
08/20/24 17:49:4847.7634-63.9223Possible upcall in P14 (unclassified).
08/20/24 18:19:4847.7612-63.9174Possible BW A calls in P6-9? They are faint and broken, however.
