Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 00:49:48Detected47.6675-63.2783Five classified RW upcalls in P4-8. Possible upcalls in P3 and P6 that are unclassified. One upcall in P7 classified as HW. Calls are mid- to high-amplitude, except for the call in P4. Four calls are isolated (three classified). Most calls are mid-duration with an adequate shape.
08/25/24 21:49:48Possibly detected47.7649-63.2908One classified RW upcall in P11. Three-four check-mark shaped upcalls in P11-13 that are unclassified. Calls are mid- to high-amplitude and mid-duration. Four of the calls are isolated, but the classified call in P11 is highly modified by artifacts.
08/25/24 23:41:49Possibly detected47.7709-63.2898One classified RW upcall in P6 with possibly a second upcall in the same panel (unclassified). The calls are mid- to high-amplitude and isolated. The classified call has adequate shape and duration.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
08/25/24 00:49:4847.6675-63.2783Five classified RW upcalls in P4-8. Possible upcalls in P3 and P6 that are unclassified. One upcall in P7 classified as HW. Calls are mid- to high-amplitude, except for the call in P4. Four calls are isolated (three classified). Most calls are mid-duration with an adequate shape.
08/25/24 08:19:4847.7106-63.2764Two possible upcalls in P4 that are poorly shaped and unclassified.
08/25/24 10:49:4847.7164-63.2680One possible upcall in P7 (classified as HW).
08/25/24 11:42:1347.7187-63.2647Two possible RW upcalls in P2 (unclassified), of which one is loud and has good shape. The classified RW upcall in P5 is part of multiple pitch tracks likely produced by glider self-noise.
08/25/24 21:49:4847.7649-63.2908One classified RW upcall in P11. Three-four check-mark shaped upcalls in P11-13 that are unclassified. Calls are mid- to high-amplitude and mid-duration. Four of the calls are isolated, but the classified call in P11 is highly modified by artifacts.
08/25/24 23:41:4947.7709-63.2898One classified RW upcall in P6 with possibly a second upcall in the same panel (unclassified). The calls are mid- to high-amplitude and isolated. The classified call has adequate shape and duration.
