Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/18/23 18:58:19Possibly detected31.9744-80.0796artifacts, likely faint humpback calls


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
07/18/23 00:58:1931.9744-80.0796p1-6 - possibly humpbacks? (particularly p1-2)
07/18/23 01:58:1931.9744-80.0796signals continued from previous summary period
07/18/23 02:58:1931.9744-80.0796interesting signals continued from previous summary period
07/18/23 15:58:1931.9744-80.0796p6 - medium to strong rw upcall but one noise signal beneath it; the PT also has some noise
07/18/23 16:58:1931.9744-80.0796p1 - possibly noise
07/18/23 18:58:1931.9744-80.0796artifacts, likely faint humpback calls
07/18/23 19:58:1931.9744-80.0796p3-8 - possible humpback calls?
07/18/23 22:58:1931.9744-80.0796p3 - rw upcall but possibly noise
