Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
12/08/24 01:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | a lot of noise between 0 and 200 Hz |
12/08/24 02:08:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | more noise with strange artifacts |
12/08/24 03:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | a lot of noise with stacked harmonics |
12/08/24 06:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | up-call in P9 has decent shape |
12/08/24 09:08:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | reasonable up-call shape in P6 |
12/08/24 10:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | more long low frequency noise |
12/08/24 11:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | low-frequency noise surrounded by inconsistent pulses and some oddly shaped upcalls |
12/08/24 12:08:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | solidary upcall preceded by low frequency noise |
12/08/24 13:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | weak oddly shaped upcall with noise P13 |
12/08/24 16:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | very scattered noise |
12/08/24 18:23:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | solitary upcall followed by noise |
12/08/24 20:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | mid frequency noise with harmonics |
12/08/24 22:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | more mid frequency noise, and strangely shaped upcalls, with harmonics |
12/08/24 23:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | strange upcalls in P3 and 5 |