
Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/31/24 02:53:2631.8230-80.3072Possible faint RW upcall classified in P6. Marked ND due to surrounding noise
12/31/24 09:53:2631.8230-80.3072RW classified in P14. Marked ND due to shape.
12/31/24 11:53:2631.8230-80.3072RW call classified in P4 and P10; marked ND due to shape.
12/31/24 12:53:2631.8230-80.3072RW calls classified; marked ND due to surrounding noise
12/31/24 15:08:2631.8230-80.3072RW call autodetected; no RW classified calls in PTs.
12/31/24 19:53:2631.8230-80.3072FW presence possible; calls do not meet requirements for detection classification.
