Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
01/04/25 12:08:26Possibly detected31.8230-80.30721 decent shape upcall in p2
01/04/25 13:53:26Possibly detected31.8230-80.3072The second call in p14 has a decent shape. And the call before looks like it could be biological but not up all shape


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
01/04/25 12:08:2631.8230-80.30721 decent shape upcall in p2
01/04/25 13:53:2631.8230-80.3072The second call in p14 has a decent shape. And the call before looks like it could be biological but not up all shape
01/04/25 14:23:2631.8230-80.3072p3 looks upcallish but there is some noise above it
01/04/25 20:53:2631.8230-80.3072brydes p10
01/04/25 21:53:2631.8230-80.3072brydes
01/04/25 23:53:2631.8230-80.3072upcall in p16 looks good but is surrounded by noise
