Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
01/17/25 02:23:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | 200hz downsweeps in p6 - but I think those look like drum sounds? |
01/17/25 09:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | p6 is kinda okay, but still lots of noise |
01/17/25 12:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | upcall has nice shape in p2, but faint and surrounded by noise |
01/17/25 13:08:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | lf sounds in p16 are interesting |
01/17/25 21:53:26 | 31.8230 | -80.3072 | bw p11 |