Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
08/26/16 00:28:37 | 42.4744 | -70.1442 | panel 6, classified RW call, but weird stair step pitchtrack |
08/26/16 13:28:37 | 42.4119 | -70.2657 | panel 12, classified RW call. Nothing else around, but weird shape |
08/26/16 16:28:37 | 42.3973 | -70.2612 | panels 4 and 7, classified RW calls, but skeptical
Scoring revision (9/1): Possibly to Not detected for right whale - classified pitch tracks in this period are not
defined or loud enough to be considered possible legitimate right whale vocalizations. |
08/26/16 18:28:37 | 42.3896 | -70.2441 | panel 5, classified RW upcall (nothing else around)
Scoring revision (9/1): Possibly to Not detected for right whale - classified pitch track in this period is not
defined or loud enough to be considered a possible legitimate right whale vocalization. |
08/26/16 23:28:37 | 42.3600 | -70.1388 | possible HW, although calls faint
Scoring revision (9/1): Possibly to Not detected for humpback whale - the pitch tracks in this period are not
defined or loud enough to be considered possible legitimate humpback vocalizations. |