Sei whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:55:53Possibly detected43.8636-67.3027Long HW downsweeps. Possible unclassified SW singlets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 01:40:53Possibly detected43.8590-67.3032Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified singlets in P2 and 4.
10/21/24 02:40:53Possibly detected43.8528-67.3038Long HW downsweeps. Unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 03:40:53Detected43.8405-67.3075Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 03:55:53Possibly detected43.8355-67.3081Unclassified SW singlet in P1.
10/21/24 04:40:53Possibly detected43.8208-67.3099Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified SW singlets and two possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 05:40:53Possibly detected43.8039-67.3125Possible unclassified SW singlets throughout the period.
10/21/24 05:55:53Possibly detected43.7993-67.3127Possible unclassified SW downsweeps in P11-12.
10/21/24 06:40:53Detected43.7857-67.3133Classified doublet and unclassified doublets and singlets.
10/21/24 07:32:32Detected43.7693-67.3141Classified and unclassified doublets. Possible triplet in P5.
10/21/24 07:55:53Detected43.7681-67.3153Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:10:53Detected43.7673-67.3141Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:40:53Detected43.7656-67.3116Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:55:53Possibly detected43.7647-67.3103Probable unclassified doublet in P4.
10/21/24 09:10:53Detected43.7639-67.3091Classified doublet.
10/21/24 09:40:53Possibly detected43.7622-67.3066Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 09:55:53Detected43.7614-67.3054Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 10:40:53Possibly detected43.7663-67.3034Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 10:55:53Possibly detected43.7677-67.3024Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 11:40:53Possibly detected43.7721-67.2995Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 12:33:34Possibly detected43.7776-67.2958One classified singlet and unclassified FW pulses.
10/21/24 12:55:53Detected43.7815-67.2945Unclassified but loud and isolated singlets and doublet in P3-4.
10/21/24 13:10:53Detected43.7805-67.2944Classified doublet.
10/21/24 13:40:53Detected43.7783-67.2942Classified doublets and singlets.
10/21/24 14:40:53Possibly detected43.7739-67.2939Probable unclassified singlets in P3 and 6.
10/21/24 15:40:53Detected43.7682-67.2929Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 16:40:53Detected43.7496-67.2950Classified doublets. Faint upcall bout throughout the period, difficult to tell if it’s RW or HW.
10/21/24 17:55:53Detected43.7310-67.2932Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 18:40:53Detected43.7254-67.3017Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 19:40:53Detected43.7180-67.3130Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 20:40:53Detected43.7167-67.3163Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. One classified upcall but it could easily be noise or HW.
10/21/24 21:40:53Detected43.7241-67.3247Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.

Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:55:53Detected43.8636-67.3027Long HW downsweeps. Possible unclassified SW singlets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 01:10:53Possibly detected43.8620-67.3028Possible unclassified SW singlet in P1 but could be noise.
10/21/24 01:40:53Detected43.8590-67.3032Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified singlets in P2 and 4.
10/21/24 02:40:53Detected43.8528-67.3038Long HW downsweeps. Unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 03:40:53Detected43.8405-67.3075Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 04:40:53Detected43.8208-67.3099Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified SW singlets and two possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 05:40:53Detected43.8039-67.3125Possible unclassified SW singlets throughout the period.
10/21/24 05:55:53Detected43.7993-67.3127Possible unclassified SW downsweeps in P11-12.
10/21/24 06:40:53Detected43.7857-67.3133Classified doublet and unclassified doublets and singlets.
10/21/24 07:55:53Possibly detected43.7681-67.3153Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:10:53Detected43.7673-67.3141Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:40:53Detected43.7656-67.3116Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:55:53Detected43.7647-67.3103Probable unclassified doublet in P4.
10/21/24 09:10:53Detected43.7639-67.3091Classified doublet.
10/21/24 09:40:53Detected43.7622-67.3066Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 09:55:53Detected43.7614-67.3054Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 10:40:53Detected43.7663-67.3034Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 10:55:53Detected43.7677-67.3024Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 11:40:53Detected43.7721-67.2995Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 12:33:34Detected43.7776-67.2958One classified singlet and unclassified FW pulses.
10/21/24 12:55:53Possibly detected43.7815-67.2945Unclassified but loud and isolated singlets and doublet in P3-4.
10/21/24 13:10:53Detected43.7805-67.2944Classified doublet.
10/21/24 13:40:53Detected43.7783-67.2942Classified doublets and singlets.
10/21/24 14:40:53Detected43.7739-67.2939Probable unclassified singlets in P3 and 6.
10/21/24 15:40:53Detected43.7682-67.2929Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 17:55:53Possibly detected43.7310-67.2932Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 18:40:53Possibly detected43.7254-67.3017Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 22:40:53Detected43.7305-67.3276Possible unclassified SW doublets in P3 and 6. Long HW downsweeps. One somewhat convincing classified RW upcall that’s overlapping with a HW call in P9.
10/21/24 23:40:53Detected43.7478-67.3347Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans throughout the period but the upcalls are curved the wrong way, could be RW or HW.

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 16:40:53Possibly detected43.7496-67.2950Classified doublets. Faint upcall bout throughout the period, difficult to tell if it’s RW or HW.
10/21/24 22:40:53Possibly detected43.7305-67.3276Possible unclassified SW doublets in P3 and 6. Long HW downsweeps. One somewhat convincing classified RW upcall that’s overlapping with a HW call in P9.
10/21/24 23:40:53Possibly detected43.7478-67.3347Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans throughout the period but the upcalls are curved the wrong way, could be RW or HW.

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:55:53Possibly detected43.8636-67.3027Long HW downsweeps. Possible unclassified SW singlets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 01:40:53Detected43.8590-67.3032Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified singlets in P2 and 4.
10/21/24 02:40:53Detected43.8528-67.3038Long HW downsweeps. Unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 04:40:53Detected43.8208-67.3099Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified SW singlets and two possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 16:40:53Possibly detected43.7496-67.2950Classified doublets. Faint upcall bout throughout the period, difficult to tell if it’s RW or HW.
10/21/24 18:40:53Detected43.7254-67.3017Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 19:40:53Detected43.7180-67.3130Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 20:40:53Detected43.7167-67.3163Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. One classified upcall but it could easily be noise or HW.
10/21/24 21:40:53Detected43.7241-67.3247Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 22:40:53Detected43.7305-67.3276Possible unclassified SW doublets in P3 and 6. Long HW downsweeps. One somewhat convincing classified RW upcall that’s overlapping with a HW call in P9.
10/21/24 23:40:53Detected43.7478-67.3347Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans throughout the period but the upcalls are curved the wrong way, could be RW or HW.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
10/21/24 00:55:5343.8636-67.3027Long HW downsweeps. Possible unclassified SW singlets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 01:10:5343.8620-67.3028Possible unclassified SW singlet in P1 but could be noise.
10/21/24 01:40:5343.8590-67.3032Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified singlets in P2 and 4.
10/21/24 02:40:5343.8528-67.3038Long HW downsweeps. Unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 03:40:5343.8405-67.3075Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 03:55:5343.8355-67.3081Unclassified SW singlet in P1.
10/21/24 04:40:5343.8208-67.3099Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified SW singlets and two possible unclassified doublets in P3 and 8.
10/21/24 05:40:5343.8039-67.3125Possible unclassified SW singlets throughout the period.
10/21/24 05:55:5343.7993-67.3127Possible unclassified SW downsweeps in P11-12.
10/21/24 06:40:5343.7857-67.3133Classified doublet and unclassified doublets and singlets.
10/21/24 07:32:3243.7693-67.3141Classified and unclassified doublets. Possible triplet in P5.
10/21/24 07:55:5343.7681-67.3153Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:10:5343.7673-67.3141Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:40:5343.7656-67.3116Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 08:55:5343.7647-67.3103Probable unclassified doublet in P4.
10/21/24 09:10:5343.7639-67.3091Classified doublet.
10/21/24 09:40:5343.7622-67.3066Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 09:55:5343.7614-67.3054Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 10:40:5343.7663-67.3034Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 10:55:5343.7677-67.3024Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 11:40:5343.7721-67.2995Probable unclassified doublets throughout the period.
10/21/24 12:33:3443.7776-67.2958One classified singlet and unclassified FW pulses.
10/21/24 12:55:5343.7815-67.2945Unclassified but loud and isolated singlets and doublet in P3-4.
10/21/24 13:10:5343.7805-67.2944Classified doublet.
10/21/24 13:40:5343.7783-67.2942Classified doublets and singlets.
10/21/24 14:40:5343.7739-67.2939Probable unclassified singlets in P3 and 6.
10/21/24 15:40:5343.7682-67.2929Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 16:40:5343.7496-67.2950Classified doublets. Faint upcall bout throughout the period, difficult to tell if it’s RW or HW.
10/21/24 17:55:5343.7310-67.2932Classified and unclassified doublets.
10/21/24 18:40:5343.7254-67.3017Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 19:40:5343.7180-67.3130Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 20:40:5343.7167-67.3163Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. One classified upcall but it could easily be noise or HW.
10/21/24 21:40:5343.7241-67.3247Classified and unclassified doublets. Long HW downsweeps.
10/21/24 22:40:5343.7305-67.3276Possible unclassified SW doublets in P3 and 6. Long HW downsweeps. One somewhat convincing classified RW upcall that’s overlapping with a HW call in P9.
10/21/24 23:40:5343.7478-67.3347Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans throughout the period but the upcalls are curved the wrong way, could be RW or HW.
