Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
10/22/24 01:40:53 | Detected | 43.7855 | -67.3543 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 02:40:53 | Detected | 43.7892 | -67.3612 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans
that have decent shape and sporadic spacing but there’s too much HW activity to be certain they’re RW. |
10/22/24 05:40:53 | Detected | 43.7809 | -67.3903 | Classified SW doublet. Multiple possible RW upcalls with one classification but their shapes are odd and
there are other random sounds throughout the period that could be HW. |
10/22/24 06:48:45 | Possibly detected | 43.7752 | -67.4035 | Probable unclassified SW downsweeps throughout the period. Possible LF tonals in P7 and 8, source
unknown. |
10/22/24 07:40:53 | Detected | 43.7765 | -67.4089 | Classified and unclassified doublets, some have really odd shapes, potentially the way the sound in
propagating? |
10/22/24 07:55:53 | Detected | 43.7778 | -67.4111 | One classified doublet with the same odd shapes observed in the previous period. |
10/22/24 08:40:53 | Detected | 43.7818 | -67.4176 | Classified and unclassified doublets. |
10/22/24 08:55:53 | Detected | 43.7831 | -67.4198 | Faint classified and unclassified doublets. |
10/22/24 11:40:53 | Detected | 43.8176 | -67.4373 | Unclassified but isolated doublets in P2, 4, and 5. Upcall shaped PT with call type 18 in P15 but it’s so faint
it could easily be noise. |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
10/22/24 00:10:53 | Detected | 43.7679 | -67.3418 | |
10/22/24 00:40:53 | Detected | 43.7738 | -67.3460 | Possible HW calls in P10 and 12. |
10/22/24 01:40:53 | Detected | 43.7855 | -67.3543 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 01:53:46 | Possibly detected | 43.7885 | -67.3563 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 02:40:53 | Detected | 43.7892 | -67.3612 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans
that have decent shape and sporadic spacing but there’s too much HW activity to be certain they’re RW. |
10/22/24 03:40:53 | Detected | 43.7881 | -67.3724 | Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans but could also be HW. The
moans in P11 almost look patterned. |
10/22/24 04:55:53 | Detected | 43.7845 | -67.3818 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 05:10:53 | Detected | 43.7833 | -67.3846 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 05:40:53 | Detected | 43.7809 | -67.3903 | Classified SW doublet. Multiple possible RW upcalls with one classification but their shapes are odd and
there are other random sounds throughout the period that could be HW. |
10/22/24 12:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8286 | -67.4439 | Faint upcall bout throughout the period with a mix of RW and HW classifications. No other signs of HW but
difficult to tell if it’s HW or RW. |
10/22/24 13:40:53 | Detected | 43.8384 | -67.4532 | The upcalls continue here but appear more sporadic. It may just be due to faintness and some calls not
being pitch tracked. |
10/22/24 14:40:53 | Detected | 43.8457 | -67.4613 | Upcall bout continues. Possible patterned moans in P4? |
10/22/24 14:55:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8456 | -67.4647 | Upcall bout continues. |
10/22/24 15:40:53 | Detected | 43.8451 | -67.4750 | |
10/22/24 22:55:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8590 | -67.5432 | |
Date/time (local) | Occurrence | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
10/22/24 00:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.7738 | -67.3460 | Possible HW calls in P10 and 12. |
10/22/24 01:40:53 | Detected | 43.7855 | -67.3543 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 01:53:46 | Detected | 43.7885 | -67.3563 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 02:40:53 | Detected | 43.7892 | -67.3612 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans
that have decent shape and sporadic spacing but there’s too much HW activity to be certain they’re RW. |
10/22/24 03:40:53 | Detected | 43.7881 | -67.3724 | Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans but could also be HW. The
moans in P11 almost look patterned. |
10/22/24 04:55:53 | Detected | 43.7845 | -67.3818 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 05:10:53 | Detected | 43.7833 | -67.3846 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 05:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.7809 | -67.3903 | Classified SW doublet. Multiple possible RW upcalls with one classification but their shapes are odd and
there are other random sounds throughout the period that could be HW. |
10/22/24 12:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8286 | -67.4439 | Faint upcall bout throughout the period with a mix of RW and HW classifications. No other signs of HW but
difficult to tell if it’s HW or RW. |
10/22/24 12:55:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8310 | -67.4462 | Continued upcall bout. |
10/22/24 13:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8384 | -67.4532 | The upcalls continue here but appear more sporadic. It may just be due to faintness and some calls not
being pitch tracked. |
10/22/24 14:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8457 | -67.4613 | Upcall bout continues. Possible patterned moans in P4? |
10/22/24 14:55:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8456 | -67.4647 | Upcall bout continues. |
10/22/24 17:25:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8401 | -67.4955 | Probable HW downsweep in P11. |
10/22/24 17:40:53 | Detected | 43.8392 | -67.4988 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 17:55:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8382 | -67.5022 | Probable HW downsweep in P2. |
10/22/24 18:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8354 | -67.5123 | Possible HW social sounds in P10 and 15. |
10/22/24 18:55:53 | Detected | 43.8344 | -67.5156 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 19:55:53 | Detected | 43.8337 | -67.5233 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 20:10:53 | Detected | 43.8352 | -67.5254 | |
10/22/24 20:40:53 | Detected | 43.8381 | -67.5297 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 20:55:53 | Detected | 43.8396 | -67.5318 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 21:40:53 | Detected | 43.8440 | -67.5382 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 22:40:53 | Possibly detected | 43.8553 | -67.5418 | Probable HW in P8 and 11. |
10/22/24 23:10:53 | Detected | 43.8626 | -67.5446 | Long HW downsweeps. |
Date/time (local) | Latitude | Longitude | Notes |
10/22/24 00:40:53 | 43.7738 | -67.3460 | Possible HW calls in P10 and 12. |
10/22/24 01:40:53 | 43.7855 | -67.3543 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 01:53:46 | 43.7885 | -67.3563 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 02:40:53 | 43.7892 | -67.3612 | Classified doublets. Long HW downsweeps. Possible classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans
that have decent shape and sporadic spacing but there’s too much HW activity to be certain they’re RW. |
10/22/24 03:40:53 | 43.7881 | -67.3724 | Long HW downsweeps. Classified and unclassified RW upcalls and moans but could also be HW. The
moans in P11 almost look patterned. |
10/22/24 04:55:53 | 43.7845 | -67.3818 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 05:10:53 | 43.7833 | -67.3846 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 05:40:53 | 43.7809 | -67.3903 | Classified SW doublet. Multiple possible RW upcalls with one classification but their shapes are odd and
there are other random sounds throughout the period that could be HW. |
10/22/24 06:40:53 | 43.7761 | -67.4016 | One LF downsweep classified as SW but it’s short and steep. |
10/22/24 06:48:45 | 43.7752 | -67.4035 | Probable unclassified SW downsweeps throughout the period. Possible LF tonals in P7 and 8, source
unknown. |
10/22/24 07:40:53 | 43.7765 | -67.4089 | Classified and unclassified doublets, some have really odd shapes, potentially the way the sound in
propagating? |
10/22/24 07:55:53 | 43.7778 | -67.4111 | One classified doublet with the same odd shapes observed in the previous period. |
10/22/24 08:40:53 | 43.7818 | -67.4176 | Classified and unclassified doublets. |
10/22/24 08:55:53 | 43.7831 | -67.4198 | Faint classified and unclassified doublets. |
10/22/24 11:40:53 | 43.8176 | -67.4373 | Unclassified but isolated doublets in P2, 4, and 5. Upcall shaped PT with call type 18 in P15 but it’s so faint
it could easily be noise. |
10/22/24 12:40:53 | 43.8286 | -67.4439 | Faint upcall bout throughout the period with a mix of RW and HW classifications. No other signs of HW but
difficult to tell if it’s HW or RW. |
10/22/24 12:55:53 | 43.8310 | -67.4462 | Continued upcall bout. |
10/22/24 13:40:53 | 43.8384 | -67.4532 | The upcalls continue here but appear more sporadic. It may just be due to faintness and some calls not
being pitch tracked. |
10/22/24 14:40:53 | 43.8457 | -67.4613 | Upcall bout continues. Possible patterned moans in P4? |
10/22/24 14:55:53 | 43.8456 | -67.4647 | Upcall bout continues. |
10/22/24 17:25:53 | 43.8401 | -67.4955 | Probable HW downsweep in P11. |
10/22/24 17:40:53 | 43.8392 | -67.4988 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 17:55:53 | 43.8382 | -67.5022 | Probable HW downsweep in P2. |
10/22/24 18:40:53 | 43.8354 | -67.5123 | Possible HW social sounds in P10 and 15. |
10/22/24 18:55:53 | 43.8344 | -67.5156 | Long HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 19:55:53 | 43.8337 | -67.5233 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 20:40:53 | 43.8381 | -67.5297 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 20:55:53 | 43.8396 | -67.5318 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 21:40:53 | 43.8440 | -67.5382 | HW downsweeps. |
10/22/24 22:40:53 | 43.8553 | -67.5418 | Probable HW in P8 and 11. |
10/22/24 23:10:53 | 43.8626 | -67.5446 | Long HW downsweeps. |