Fin whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/29/24 00:42:20Possibly detected43.5525-68.3252Seems to still be a HB present based on patterning of calls, but calls are all very short and faint so sticking with possibly here.
12/29/24 00:54:02Possibly detected43.5527-68.3271
12/29/24 01:42:20Possibly detected43.5518-68.32625 patterned calls between p14-p16

Right whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/29/24 19:31:40Possibly detected43.6044-68.41244 classified RW upcalls but humpback is present - RW upcall in p6 is louder than humpback. Marking possibly for both species.
12/29/24 19:57:20Detected43.6045-68.41222 classified upcalls in p4 and p6 and 1 unclassified RW call in p4

Humpback whale:

Date/time (local)OccurrenceLatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/29/24 00:42:20Possibly detected43.5525-68.3252Seems to still be a HB present based on patterning of calls, but calls are all very short and faint so sticking with possibly here.
12/29/24 00:54:02Possibly detected43.5527-68.3271
12/29/24 01:42:20Detected43.5518-68.32625 patterned calls between p14-p16
12/29/24 01:57:20Possibly detected43.5523-68.32713 calls in p1 and two in the gray from the last period. Following protocol and putting possibly here since the last period was marked detected.
12/29/24 02:42:20Possibly detected43.5535-68.3297A lot of pitch tracks but some of them look like noise.
12/29/24 05:39:29Possibly detected43.5668-68.3414P10 has two good pitch tracks
12/29/24 08:42:20Detected43.5776-68.3520
12/29/24 10:42:20Possibly detected43.5853-68.3701P4 and p5 have some decent pitch tracks that could be humpback but they are faint
12/29/24 11:42:20Detected43.5863-68.3830
12/29/24 13:42:20Detected43.5836-68.3961
12/29/24 16:42:20Detected43.5863-68.4056
12/29/24 18:42:20Possibly detected43.5967-68.4091A lot of these pitch tracks look like noise but previous period had HB detections so marking as possibly
12/29/24 19:31:40Detected43.6044-68.41244 classified RW upcalls but humpback is present - RW upcall in p6 is louder than humpback. Marking possibly for both species.
12/29/24 21:42:20Possibly detected43.6130-68.4316A lot of possible humpback calls but the pattern is wonky. Could go either way possibly detected or detected here.


Date/time (local)LatitudeLongitudeNotes
12/29/24 00:42:2043.5525-68.3252Seems to still be a HB present based on patterning of calls, but calls are all very short and faint so sticking with possibly here.
12/29/24 01:42:2043.5518-68.32625 patterned calls between p14-p16
12/29/24 01:57:2043.5523-68.32713 calls in p1 and two in the gray from the last period. Following protocol and putting possibly here since the last period was marked detected.
12/29/24 02:42:2043.5535-68.3297A lot of pitch tracks but some of them look like noise.
12/29/24 05:39:2943.5668-68.3414P10 has two good pitch tracks
12/29/24 10:42:2043.5853-68.3701P4 and p5 have some decent pitch tracks that could be humpback but they are faint
12/29/24 18:42:2043.5967-68.4091A lot of these pitch tracks look like noise but previous period had HB detections so marking as possibly
12/29/24 19:31:4043.6044-68.41244 classified RW upcalls but humpback is present - RW upcall in p6 is louder than humpback. Marking possibly for both species.
12/29/24 19:57:2043.6045-68.41222 classified upcalls in p4 and p6 and 1 unclassified RW call in p4
12/29/24 20:42:2043.6081-68.4204Looks like possible fw calls. Following protocol since none were classified but leaving a note.
12/29/24 21:42:2043.6130-68.4316A lot of possible humpback calls but the pattern is wonky. Could go either way possibly detected or detected here.
